
VERBIO-Action for swimming in Plus: Yearly forecast gerade noch erreicht | 26.09.24

VERBIO-Action for swimming in Plus: Yearly forecast gerade noch erreicht | 26.09.24

Biofuel producer VERBIO has found a number of other ways to reduce costs for its US project projects, but the outlook is not clear.

Der Gewinn ohne Beücksichtigung von Zinsen, Steuern und Abschreibungen (Ebitda) betrug im abgelaufenen Geschäftsjahr 121.6 Millionen Euro, teilte das im Kleinwerteindex SDAX noted Unternehmen am Donnerstag in Leipzig with. VERBIO has made a hair’s breadth forecast of 120 to 150 million euros, which has made a German profit in January. The biokraft fabric restorer has made its employees very aware of their past debts.

If you use a VERBIO for the strong Rückgang, the price prices for the investment costs of the American project projects in the US are reduced, which go to the other side of the world, but also no fruitful tragedies. The Leipziger complainants are swinging market conditions by “enormous, fragmented import of fortschrittlichen biodiesels from Asia”.

Der Umsatz sank in value by 16 percent to 1.66 billion euros. In the period of the period there is a German value of 132 to 20 million euros. Der Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat wollen der Hauptversammlung in Dezember vorschlagen, een dividend in unveränderter Höhe von 0.20 Euro je dividendenberechtigte Aktie auszuschütten. Analysts hate Damit Gechnet.

I come across the 2024/25 business year of the Ergebnis in the US that its market position is positive for the Ergebnis beitragen. If this is possible, there will be an amount of 120 and 160 million euros in revenue in the company.

Zeitweise is about the VERBIO action in XETRA-Handel for a price of 13.41 euros for 18.18 euros.
