
The years of 2010 were for the THW Gronau a year fuller Hochwasserereignisse

The years of 2010 were for the THW Gronau a year fuller Hochwasserereignisse

Wetter extreme weather conditions are a trend in the climbing hikes that will take place in Germany in the 2010s. After the great Jahrhundert- und Jahrtausendhochwassern an Oder (1997) und Elbe (2002 und 2003) war das THW Gronau 2010 in Gronau und Umgebung im Hochwassereinsatz, 2013 wieder an der Elbe und 2016 in Rhede.

In Ahaus versnk im Summer 2010 een Einsatzfahrzeug des THW in de Fluten, een Stunden danach stieg der Dinkelpegel in Gronau rasant. They are both aware of the über 40 Gronauer THWler, which both Feuerwehren and durch DLRG-Kräfte aus halb NRW Sandsäcke gepackt, for everything for the Bereich in the Gronauer Bahnhofstraße, aber also for the überflutete Zentrum Epes, das St.-Antonius -Hospital and Alstätte. With boots from the DLRG, THW-Kräfte set their mittens on the Laga-Gelände over the Dinkel, packing a dry sand bag.

Two years later, the Gronauer Zivilschutzbunker on Kurt-Schumacher-Platz would put an end to the cleaning and processing. It was so that both Notstrom-Aggregate were no longer necessary. Electro-experts of THW Gronau can use both and focus on a certain voltage with her. One of both Stromerzeuger with a nominal power of 140 kilowatts performed today’s signal service at THW.

Einsatz des THW Gronau at Elbehochwasser 2013
Einsatz des THW Gronau at Elbehochwasser 2013 Photo: THW Gronau Archives

The Pegel der Elbe started in 2013. Vom THW would be a Trupp in June with Helfern from Gronau in Magdeburg. Together with hundreds of other Helferinnen and Helfern-übernahmen, they are one of the defense partners of Sandsäcken in the lovely Tagen. So we were able to play our inner parts for a few days, a meter higher and faster three kilometers longer, and the complete construction work of Magdeburg built directly on the Elbe.

Erschöpfte Helfer at Einsatz des THW Gronau at Elbehochwasser 2013
Erschöpfte Helfer at Einsatz des THW Gronau at Elbehochwasser 2013 Photo: THW Gronau Archives

I am in Epe on May 1, 2014 during a Defekt with an Austritt von Öl from a non-terirdische Kaverne. The THW Gronau is not near a large air outlet of the area in the Kaverne “S5”. If the protection and chemical protection provisions are against the protection of the safety, it will probably be so that the end of the war will be miserable. If in the night a special company deals with the damage that has already started, the contaminierte is removed.

Beim Ölfund in Amtsvenn and the Eper Kavernen 2014 war by THW Gronau in Einsatz.
Beim Ölfund in Amtsvenn and the Eper Kavernen 2014 war by THW Gronau in Einsatz. Photo: THW Gronau Archives

During the annual Flüchtlingskrise of the years 2015, the Gronauer Ehrenamtler ebenfalls im Einsatz. Two sports halls focus on their sisters with der Feuerwehr jewels within a day with a large amount of hair. Holz- und Teppichbeläge wurden zum Schutz des Hallenbodens eingebaut, de Schlafnischen mit Raumabtrennungen, Beleuchtung und Betten ausgestattet. Stadtbaurat Frank Vetter war in the WN damals full of the Lobes: “Was innerhalb so kurzer Zeit erreicht were kann…”, said there – and that quickly unterschwellig auch a little Stolz mit. The Merkel “Wir purchase das” was not yet a single phrase.

Das THW Gronau half beim Hochwasser in Rhede 2016 under other befüllen von Sandsäcken.
Das THW Gronau half beim Hochwasser in Rhede 2016 under other befüllen von Sandsäcken. Photo: THW Gronau Archives

I follow the years that follow a Hochwasser, diesmal in Rhede. The Bocholter Aa drohte dry, a living area for super swimming. The Gronauers were now a part of the Deichverteidigungskette beim Füllen von Sandsäcken eingesetzt. Lighting up the regneric Wetters creates a schlammschlacht.

2017 Gronauer THW-Mitglieder bei der Tour de France eingesetzt, alldings in Deutschland. A Abschnitt der berühmten Radrundfahrt führte door Mönchengladbach, where the Gronauer is one of the Strecke-absperrten, aber auchberater in the Einsatzleitung schickten, a great damage that is directly caused and helps to buy.

Good Morning at a visit to the BSG-Gelände 2015
Good Morning at a visit to the BSG-Gelände 2015 Photo: THW Gronau Archives

I am of the opinion that he is “Hertie qualmt”. Jedoch now trades with a large amount of Feuerwehr and THW in leatherstehenden Kaufhausgebäude-kurz to get the final gift Abriss. Zehn Verletztendarsteller and Dummies were in the range, Nebelmaschinen sorgten für poor Sicht. Am Ende were all “gerettet” and the Kaufhaus ended in ruin.

2018 is one of the most orderly vehicle introduction in the Unterkunft an der Vereinsstraße statt. The Gronauer disaster rescuer has come out of tradition a year ago, this new investigation of the pastors has taken the welds and will die. The new Einsatz-Lkw with the blocked names “Mannschaftslastwagen IV” and the brand new Notstrom-Aggregat with 200 kVA Leistung, spitzname “Gertrud”, could give this Mal jedoch von a one-time Helfer of the THW Gronau-gesignnet.

Father and ex-THWler Florian Maria Lim handed out the new Einsatzfahrzeuge in 2018.
Father and ex-THWler Florian Maria Lim handed out the new Einsatzfahrzeuge in 2018. Photo: THW Gronau Archives

Father Florian Maria Lim, first monk in Waldkirch with priest, war from 2001 to 2005 in Gronauer THW, active and on the Elbe-Hochwasser in 2002. There is a war going on, outside the Freiburg region, which has another connection and the new Fahrzeuge that offers the best immunity for the mountain. The “Mannschaftslastwagen IV” started with the new “Fachgruppe Notversorgung und Notinstandsetzung”, which left the larger “Bergungsgruppe 2”. The new Einheit states that with power, light, energy, boats and transport-Lkw sicher, that other THW-Einheiten über Zeitraum autonomous work could be done for a longer period of time.

Die Dinkel trat 2010 over de Ufer und verursachte unter Anderem am Gronauer Freibad in een high wassersituatie.
Die Dinkel trat 2010 over de Ufer und verursachte unter Anderem am Gronauer Freibad in een high wassersituatie. Photo: THW Gronau Archives

The good results of the THW and Feuerwehr tests are no longer in the 2010s: Die Feuerwehr nahm 2015 is a great team from THW and own forces with the Feuerwehr-internen Leistungsnachweise in Kreis Borken. Once in a year, all the forces of the district meet and eliminate a course. If there is only one thing that the Staunen at the Exiled Fire Brigades, now is ready Tradition. The joint venture began in 2024 to prepare the development and the fact that the THW has such an important task in thinking and working within the framework of the Einsatzkollegen. This years-long Tradition is deutschlandweit lonely.

Die Dinkel Trat 2010 went over the Ufer and verursachte an otherem in the Bahnhofstraße to a high wasser situation.
Die Dinkel Trat 2010 went over the Ufer and verursachte an otherem in the Bahnhofstraße to a high wasser situation. Photo: THW Gronau Archives

Furthermore, the environment of the Wettkämpfe is the relationship between: Friends, Beziehungen und Ehen zwischen Feuerwehr- und THW-Mitgliedern gibt es more, common children auch. The problem and processing are performed more and more often, while the THW stream automatically becomes the best processing processes of the Wehr system. Moreover, the information contained within the organization is as follows: The THW has a 5000 liter fassende Wasserblase, one for the Fire Department to transport Löschwasser. An aluminum trunk can be used, it is as blue as a rotten foil and written on. Both sides can handle each other in both far-reaching connections.