
Plug Power Action: Or Nel Asa? ()

Plug Power Action: Or Nel Asa? ()

Dear readers and readers,

was for a Tag, when Plug Power stopped hinting. It gets even more fun for Nel Asa. The action was lower than -4.2%, but was very expensive and could take a lot of effort. The title has to do with the fact that the transitions are fun when there is an abwärtsmarsch that must have, it does not fall out at all. However: With the minus of good -58% is January 1st, Plug Power has set its trend very quickly “finally” fortified. A whole lot of damage.

When the war begins with a new warfare, it is not as light as the supplies. The title has conveyed some good signals in the past days. Schnell jedoch hören de Börsen wieder auf, de Titel zu gooutieren.

The Auftragslage is inherently modest at Nel Asa

Drempel- and engelpunkt and the Börsen are no longer profitable from the Unternehmens, once they have appeared in the Auftragslage. Die soll noch immer schwach sein. The American has brought the Vergangen Monaten (!) to a Beitrag dazu and the Market.

It is that the immunity is increased so that it will go quickly with industry colleagues like Nel Asa, at ITM Power or at the Kanadiern von Ballard Power. Plug Power is not more than 1.6 Billion Euros worth. It is an idea that the American for the first time on 10 Billion Dollars costs – or 10 Billion Euros.

The Wachstumserwartungen in Wasserstoff-Bereich are the Run nach oben ausgelöst. In the Kursnotierungen ausgedrückt: Es sah lange Zeit danach aus, als wolle der Titel die Marke von 30 Euro weit hinter sich lassen. The Marke von 40 Euro und 50 Euro schien nicht more weit fernt zu sein bzw. wurde(n) für kurze Zeit sogar überwunden.

Then the market has turned around. Although in July last year a good 12 Euro was again a high point (!) for the action. The action quickly follows a line and goes a step further on the high note of less than 1.80 Euro.

Recently, it is after further improvement. For example, the plug power could report an order, which the group prefers to Spain. The package is a sum of money or a maximum amount of 10 million dollars. It is an isolated bet that is certainly of interest when it comes to an active net profit of 905 million dollars. BUT:

The war would cost more than 900 million before it became the new Aufträgen kam. Die Hoffnung also went further. Analysts are happy to see each other again. Lt. Market screener soll that the price is higher than in the middle gut 92% ausmachen. Was for a perspective!

Purchase, stop or purchase – Ihre Plug Power Analysis from 26.09. loves that Antwort:

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