
BSG: Unfall auf Heimweg nach Ausflug kann Arbeitsunfall sein ()

BSG: Unfall auf Heimweg nach Ausflug kann Arbeitsunfall sein ()

KASSEL (dpa-AFX) – A fall on the way of the home, one of the employment contracts and the construction work can be terminated. That has the Federal Social Court (BSG) in Kassel ended. A woman who has a private week-long vacation on the way of her home has lucked, we will start counting the debts and the underlays for my job for my work. Few kilometers for my home would finish the job tomorrow in a car accident, he is that.

A robbery organization and the authorities can get an anerkennung if the consequences of the fall disappear. If BSG has now started after a review of the complainant, it is a verzherten trade path that you can use, when you lack the Arbeitgebers Arbeitsschlüssel and -underlayers of wollte. There is only one solution that produces the most diverse results, when the underlying layers are no longer visible for your Arbeit sind. The Landessozialgericht must now clarify the erroneous review of the Frau, ob das der Fall war./osf/DP/nas