
Men’s formats start with spazigangen in the city forest

Men’s formats start with spazigangen in the city forest

In Cologne, the Sonntag started a new format for men, inspired by “Cologne Girls Walking And Talking”. In the Stadtwald you will find yourself in a common way together with Spaziergang and Austausch.

A new format for men started in Cologne on September 29: men’s spaziergänge, inspired by the Frauenprojekt “Cologne Girls Walking And Talking”. Since February, our friends regularly meet together in Spazierengehen and Austausch. Now you can enjoy Manner diese Möglichkeit.
The first Spaziergang in Cologne takes place at 1 p.m. and runs through the Stadtwald.

“We meet us and spend a long time in the Park, and have a great time” will appear on Instagram at some point.

The planted route is a fast route Kilometer. The Treffpunkt is one of the Kreuzung-zwischen Fürst-Pückler-Straße and Wüllnerstraße in Stadtteil Lindenthal. A Voraban notification is not important; all alter groups are willing.