
“Wahrscheinlich der größte Tag”: Neue Arena in Munich wird eröffnet

“Wahrscheinlich der größte Tag”: Neue Arena in Munich wird eröffnet

The new Multifunktionsarena in Munich is finished. The SAP Garden is as comfortable as the new home for EHC Red Bull Munich and FC Bayern Basketball. Another Hingucker is the facade.

A Freitag with a game of EHC Red Bull Munich and the Buffalo Sabres is available from SAP Garden.

A Freitag with a game of EHC Red Bull Munich and the Buffalo Sabres is available from SAP Garden.
photo alliance / kolbert-press

More than four seasons after building the SAP Garden, there is a slight effort. See the Grand Opening of the new Multifunktionsarena in Munich during the Freitag (8:30 PM) of EHC Red Bull Munich with Buffalo Sabers with Nationalspieler JJ Peterka from the NHL. The DEL will be changed during the day as well as extra special features for the daily entertainment of the top games of the Münchner during the Adler Mannheim on October 29 (Dienstag, 7:30 PM).

“Quantensprung for Liga and Standort Munich”

“It’s what a man should do,” says Christian Winkler, who has embarrassed the SID for his long Ereignis. “It’s a big challenge for the big day in the Red Bull Ice Hockey season,” so the Managing Director for the gesamten Ice Hockey Sport at Red Bull, who works as sports director of the DEL Clubs from the Munich equipment.

The new Arena is played on the nachwuchs that pose a challenge, but the multifunctional hall can not get training money with many demands. DEL-Geschäftsführer Gernot Tripcke said that he had made a “quantum jump for the league, but above all for the ice hockey location Munich”.

Bayern basketball player plays against Real Madrid

The new Halle with an impressive array of stylistic ice hockey hits value 10,796 Amounts at Ice Hockey and around 11,500 Amounts at Basketball Platz. The SAP Garden – for a sum of 150 million euros full of Red Bull financing – will move EHC Red Bull Munich if the Bayern basketballer loses another Schub. On the Thursday evening coming week (3. October, 20.45 Uhr) the Munich basketballer is spotted in the Euroleague heavyweight Real Madrid.