
HSV Hamburg is known by Geschäftsführer Sebastian Frecke

Sebastian Frecke is no longer Geschäftsführer of the HSV Hamburg. Which of the handball Bundesligist players, the club and the 38-year-olds, will find a good way. Frecke war gut zehn year voor de HSVH-tätig en maßgeblich am Neustart der Hamburger Handballer nach der Insolvenz en dem Zwangsabstieg 2016.

“Those years here at HSVH were a good thing and a nice time for me”, where Frecke sits in a club committee. First of all, the 38-year-old was eventually awarded the Critique. The Hamburger only obtained active playing time after an assessment by the Lizenz.

Nachfolger schon Anfang Oktober im Amt?

In the following war the Präsidium des Vereins is outlined. New chairman of Kay Spanger as follower of Marc Evermann. For ex-trainer Martin Schwalb Torhüter Johannes Bitter backed up on the posts of the Vizepräsidenten.

It’s a new Geschäftsführer-lauft. “We will discover our readiness in our guts and take the next step during the October proposal period,” says club chairman Spanger.