
Sendung – Hirschhausen and the Abnehmspritze am Do., 26.09.2024

Sendung – Hirschhausen and the Abnehmspritze am Do., 26.09.2024

Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen put a syringe in his hand

If it is good, then do not go any further. Look, that is not brauchen, take it. Do you want to know if the “Abnehmspritze” works like that? Could you put an end to your theme with all your problems? That is explained by the doctor and scientific journalist in his ARD/WDR documentation “Hirschhausen und die Abnehmspritze”.

Eckart von Hirschhausen got the hype of a new medicine against the kilos on the ground. Because bald is every second person in Germany übergewichtig.
Hirschhausen is Dorthin, where the room focuses on: for example in a therapy group for sorting and the backstage experience of comedian Nicole Jäger. There is a patient who can start with the injection, while he himself is in the MRT. Who reacts to his own cooking skills on one of his healthiest meals and junk food?
“Selbst guilt, not diszipliniert pleasure” – that is what people who lead an adiposity suffer from, permanently. It is a wider length of erasure. Since then, such a man is overweight in his body, has been diagnosed with diets, diets, diets, sports and unsavory “tricks”, his body has a natural lust for everything, it was dick power, so it was hard to get rid of it.
Heute weiß man: Der Schlüssel liesgt im Hirn. You can use the Abnehmspritze. If you focus on the hormonal system and some of the help, the Schalter will work in the Hirn system. The weltweite Nachfrage nach der Spritze is gigantic, the Milliardengewinne for the Hersteller schwindelerregend. Aber: The Spritze works now, if man does – and who is with all medicines, this is Nebenwirkungen.
Eckart von Hirschhausen: “My great Aha-Erlebnis während der Dreharbeiten war, wie unfassbar fell Hass auf dicken Menschen are abgeladen. Und welche Rolle gesellschaftliche Vorurteile, Traumata and sogar innerlichter Selbsthass for the Adiposities-Pandemie games. I’m very thankful, that’s it In the conversation with those affected and health psychology, Jutta Mata dares to have the courage: if the disease and society do not have serious consequences, the spritze can now cause a symptom, after the Ursache has disappeared.’
The Abnehmspritze is an erolgversprechender Gone, the kilos that are lost. Aber: Krankenkassen zahlen die Behandlung bisher nur in Ausnahmefällen. If you want, you can take the legal Spritze as Selbstzahler on Rezept – or on Detours.
The treatment with the Abnehmspritze is a Hoffnungsschimmer, which will probably provide a very serious prevention. Die Doku-fragen op wie: Warum gibt is bis heute geschäftsmodell für das Verhindern von Krankheiten, kein ordentliches Schulessen, keine Aufklärung über die was Ursachen von Überweight? Who long woolen threads is a company that does not leisten, that is an umbrella and standard fettige, süßes and salziges to make money, about the costs of Essen gilded as luxury?
“Hirschhausen und die Abnehmspritze” picks up in a gut secrets Secret: Everyone thinks more about Essen after me or my gut. If you are in a society, it will become increasingly difficult to get along with Dickens. Eckart von Hirschhausen is high time, a new way out of the fatty tissues. Look at the humor that no longer appears in the Doku. With stand-up comedienne Nicole Jäger, Eckart van Hirschhausen will be on stage – and in the baths. In the Hass, the many people who come to visit, let’s explore themselves: in Lachen!

“Hirschhausen und die Abnehmspritze” is a production of Bilderfest GmbH (book and director: Kristin Siebert, producer: Stefan Otter) in the WDR version.