
“The Voice”: So How Samu Haber Speaks German

“The Voice”: So How Samu Haber Speaks German

Samu Haber is busy with the rotten “The Voice”-Stuhl. I was interviewed by the Finnish singer, I was one of the most of the show, it was the Schwierigste in German that spread and where the Chemistry stimulated the Coaches.

Die 14. Staffel von “The Voice of Germany” (ab 26. September if it’s 8:15pm on ProSieben, it starts at 8:15pm in Sat.1 and jewels on Joyn) is with Samu Haber (48), Yvonne Catterfeld (44) and Mark Forster (41) three Rückkehrer and with Kamrad (27) a Coach-Neuling in Gepäck.

Samu Haber War 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2020 Coach At “The Voice” Stuhl’s story is with Rea Garvey (51). Im Interview with the Nachrichtenagentur spot on news verrät der finnische Musiker, was my bestest an der Musikshow liebt en warum die Trainers so intestinal harmony. There was a sense, one of the German language was found difficult and there was in the freedom of power.

How would you like to see “The Voice”?

Samu Haber: If the war is on and my manager says it’s a slim chance, it still isn’t (laughs). Spass beiseite, 2013 ich zum ersten Mal dabei en 2020 mit Rea Garvey on the Doppelstuhl. Danach has a finisch album in Finland make up and hang Tournament. I don’t feel like doing “The Voice”. You have to know how fragile and how healthy you are. I thought it would be like this Spass machen en das tut es auch. I’m froh, that’s what I did.

Was haben Sie am meisten missing?

Haber: I love the whole show, I’m happy to be there, I love the Blind Auditions and the first weeks of Dreharbeiten at “The Voice of Germany” am meisten. It is so devastating that others will die Trainers um the Talente zu kampfen. It is what is Combination from the best moments of your life, we cry, laugh, win and lose. If it is more toll, the person will apply for years and have such a good talent.

Who’s up for a chance to have a German conversation?

Haber: I would like to start working together with my German coach Dirk, who is a cooler typist. The leader is “The Voice” in Deutschland and auch auf Deutsch – that can be vergebens in Finnish or English (laughs). I noticed this, when I am in the Promo-Tour war in February, that are the interviews that contain the fragments, have a good function, even if of course not with the Sprache-kämpfe. And it became a bit more lustily schlimme Dinge in Fernsehen sagen. I hope the flight for the Ausstrahlung is not too rough. It could be a guy who isn’t even up at 2am. (laughs) Aber mein Motto is: Was always passionate, passionate. I don’t have to understand everything correctly all day long. I think that the Leute auf other Weise for my Team zu begeistern.

Was it the fastest in Germany?

Haber: The most modern language in the German language is that the German language itself is not verstehen. (laughs) Wenn ich Mark Forster Oder Yvonne Catterfeld Frage, where is “to die” Frau aber “das” Auto-heißt and was for a Sinn dahintersteckt, können si mir das auch nicht erclaren. If you request more information and don’t go further, it will become easier. I’ve discovered that it’s a good idea to speak up. If you have lust, you can be a man or a woman.

Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen dieser und der Staffeln, when they were?

Haber: I must say, that is the best chemistry of all times. Trainers haben. I think it’s all hard. Yvonne, Kamrad, Mark and I are one of the employees of Staffel and their parents, would like to have a dream and our Grenzen-sin. There is a war going on, if all the people come out of the war, we will take a flight. So make sure you do the things in your life. If you see the Leuten, then you can see the Grenzen-respectively. Die Dreharbeiten für “The Voice of Germany” machen dadurch zo viel Spass and so charged with energy. If you have another heart for the talent, you can attack a Coach-Battle if you are a Scherz that we go or everything in the Order is.

You can use the new
Kamrad donated to “The Voice”. Who can use it?

Haber: If we are going to see it again in 2018 Tournament were, war in the Star under the warm-up. Now is insulting, that is the big star and only the type daneben bin, but that is what I like (laughs). If we are right, it is talent as a musician. When I say that it is the best to celebrate a party on the stage, it is a matter of playing, singing and performing. At “The Voice” it can not be otherwise, but intelligent, cheerful and super neat is and that is a wonderful heart hat.

Is this what you want as a Coach?

Haber: I guess, I’ve always had everything for that talent. Manchmal is not as simple as it can be, who can best help. A team is also a team that has never chosen jedes Talent 20 Stunden am Stück Zeit. I am a bisschen wie der Trainer An Football team. If I trust the talents, then it is time to do this. And if we think again in May, the idea can come, whoever likes it, and the more it gets into his own art. And if your natural passion lives, you are schönsten. Once these things are won, they are never won again.

Was muss ein Talent mitbringen, um zu gewinnen?

Haber: Die Sendung heißt übersetzt “Die Stimme Deutschlands”, also muss man a good Stimme haben. It is the first time you play a role, such as je tanzt or je gut aussiehst. After the Blind Auditions and the Battles it is no longer the case Trainersunder the Teamfights jury and then the Fernsehzuschauer in der Hand. It’s good Secret recipeto win. I have no brain, there are a few other songs or other interesting things and other naught. There can be no problem. If you feel that you have discovered a talent, however, it comes down to it. Because it happens so often that the technically best singer does not win. Es necessitates this certain magic. Bono from U2 would have joined the band, but we did not end up in the best singer war, but there are still others with others.

This English solo debut album will be released in October. Were the fans confused?

Haber: I think this is not the most recent album, but it is not new that something has happened. It is a question of pop-rock and folk-singer-songwriter. If it was mache, it was a lie and bleibe on the spur. I have also written songs for Sunrise Avenue Writing and making music that matches my guitar and my piano. If it’s good, it can happen. Sunrise Avenue is my life’s work and I’m going to the summer in the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki Abschied gefeiert. Manchmal fühlte ich den Druck, den Erfolg zu wiederholen. Aber heute Denke ich: Ich muss at all nicht erolgreich sein. I will be playing in Clubs and Valleicht at a few festivals and Spass haben. Let’s see what happens next, and the album will return with the start of the European tour.

It’s comical for you without it
Sunrise Avenue
from the stage, since Leute vom früheren Team on Tour with dabei?

Haber: No, I have another band. If you like it, it’s a matter of doing it. Während der Pandemic I released the last album and went to war on tour. I’m in “Sing Meinen Song” Finland play with “The Voice” band. When I discovered that a man with new Leuten power was, a man could encounter a few new things. I became the Mitglieder von Sunrise Avenue still to love and respect and the common Travel no one can take it anymore. Aber ich bin sehr happywhere I am now.

Was machen Sie als Ausgleich zur Musik en zum “The Voice”-Dreh?

Haber: I like Kampfsport, Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Thai boxing. Enter Zu Hause Helsinki I train with a group. It is possible to make a harbor and a better boat with the engine. I can rest and do that I also like to die alone. Then a machine anchored in Nickerchen or launched the Rauschen des Meeres.