
Urlaub in Mallorca: New Rule! Not that tourists dare to visit

Urlaub in Mallorca: New Rule! Not that tourists dare to visit

If you have a new rule, you can enjoy the trip on the beach – right in Mallorca. The most serious rule is the alcoholic mixture at Ballermann. A Sauf-Tourismus on the internal borders, while Urlauber no longer consumes alcohol on the beach. Loading at Palma beach starts at 9:30 PM and alcoholic drinks are no longer available.

If others make an arrangement, it’s a good deal and a bet on Mallorca-Urlauber, it’s a hand package. First of all, there is no longer a milliliter description – little space is left in the sprichwörtliche Rolle rückwärts (wir messageeten). Now starting in December 2024, a new rule in Kraft treten, which will not affect the tourist experience and the combined hotel industry and travel industry. Worum es geht, lies here the most.

Urlaub in Mallorca: Strict Rule for Hotel Guests

We are in a hotel room, not in Mallorca, but we know the names, history and password behind it. On the Spanish Urlaubsinsel müssen die Touristen künftig in Sachen personally Daten nor weiter white. After the Directorate has started carrying out a credit application for a number of years, the hotel guest will give an extra hint. When the “Mallorca Magazin” appears, you can view your address, telephone number and details of the hints.

+++ Urlaub op Mallorca: I was in the Playa Spazieren – en konnte nur ungläubig den Kopf schütteln +++

If you are aware of your personal details, this is one of the few things you can do, your personal details with a phone number or a bank details that you can pay for, because you have created a travelogue of the ideas conceived, with the message ‘Mallorca Magazin’. The installation of the 2nd month. This month, new improvements have been made to the Chaos fuhren. It may be that a European travel company’s dates have never gone wrong. Laut “Mallorca Magazin” may contain the new version of the written texts for small or medium standards that can cause a higher load. The people of the inheritance orderlichen Daten are a large quantity, which has received a declaration from the CEAV for tourism associations about the Spanish Zeitung. If it is a larger time commitment, it may incur more costs.

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The “Information Register for Beherbergungs- und Autovermietungsgesetz” is only the security of the Urlauber and Einheimischen in Mallorca therehöhen, where the Behörden so relevant Daten sammeln and auswerten could be. The new rule is a newer Schritt in the fight against terrorism and organized Kriminalität, with the Zeitung Schreibt.