
I don’t know, it strikes me that shoplifting on Greenwich Avenue must be a pretty unsuccessful game if you look like a resident of the South Bronx

I don’t know, it strikes me that shoplifting on Greenwich Avenue must be a pretty unsuccessful game if you look like a resident of the South Bronx

I mean, I get the Willie Sutton factor, but still…

Over the years that Greenwich Free Press has dutifully published Police Report press releases on the latest arrest for shoplifting, “refund” and credit card fraud, I have noticed that almost without exception the perpetrators have, um… “exotic” names . suggestive of a non-WASP ethnicity. I’m not suggesting that only our dark-skinned citizens engage in this kind of behavior – far from it – but the fact that they are the ones getting caught makes me wonder if this is because they are being discriminated against, or is it? because they stand out from the usual Greenwich Avenue shopper, attracting the attention of shopkeepers and security guards.

If I was determined to lead a life of crime I think I would choose a forum where it would be easier to stand out and thus escape detection, yet the Avenue continues to attract petty thieves like wasps to dead fish. Why?

Just one of life’s uncertainties.

Here’s a recent example of what I’m talking about:

“On September 25, Greenwich Police arrested three people from New York following an incident related to alleged returns fraud at a Greenwich Ave store.

Plainclothes officers personally monitored and observed behavior consistent with reentry fraud. Investigation at the scene revealed that the suspects conspired to return some stolen items to the store. The items amounted to a financial loss of more than $1,800.

All three were apprehended and arrested.

Miss Tanisha Bynoe on a previous occasion

Woman pleads guilty to passing counterfeit bills in Wetzel County

Tanisha Bynoe36, Brooklyn, NY was charged with Conspiracy to Commit Theft 4, Theft 4, and Criminal Impersonation. She was able to post the required minimum of 7% of her $50,000 bail and was released. She was assigned a date in Stamford Superior Court on October 9, 2024.

Trumane A. Gibbs, 31 of Brooklyn was charged with Larceny 4 and Conspiracy to Commit Larceny 4. His bail was set at $50,000, which he was unable to pay. He shares a court date of October 9, 2024.

Ajla Kazaferovic, 26, from Utica, NY was also arrested. She was charged with theft 4, conspiracy to commit theft 4 and criminal impersonation. Her bail was set at $100,000, but she was unable to pay it. She was not released.

“Police said Ms. Kazaferovic had an active extradition arrest warrant out of New York.”