
Mute who overwind their own borders

Mute who overwind their own borders

Bad Mergentheim. With a stolen investment volume of 500,000 euros that the St. Bernhard-Schule in Bad Mergentheim an efficient project realized: a modern indoor font, the fun party in the integrated debt world. The Fränkische Nachrichten spoke with Schulleiter Axel Janke and seinem Stellvertreter Sebastian Quenzer about the Hintergründe, Ziele and the Mehrwert of the new Anlage.

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Sechs Monate dauerte der Bau der Kletteranlage. The idea of ​​own people is motivated more and more years later by the regular debt in colleges and others.

Ehemaligen-Treffen am Samstag

Ein Ehemaligen-Treffen found on Samstag, September 28, statt. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. I die St. Bernard Grund- und Realschule alle ehemalige Schüler ein, de Schule zu besuchen und alte Erinnerungen aufzufrischen.

Neben Führungen gives a zahlreiche program, wie de Vortrag von F. Munz “From the Kreidetafel zum Tablet” or Impressions from the past of England. For Wohl’s offer, sort a Food Truck. There are a few dishes, Kaffee and Kuchen, Waffeln and Cocktails. The Besucher responds to a Flohmarkt with funds and articles with the different debt logo.

“Our Schülerinnen and Schüler have often left their comfort zones and gained enormous strength – strong with a mental one. “We want to integrate into our school system,” says Janke.

Learning through movement

It’s time for the admission of guilt: there are indications that attention is being paid to the problem – and that more ansatz will appear here. “In a certain world, digital travel has been promoted, creating children’s health benefits. Die Kletteranlage offers ideal beds.”

Pressing the children’s personal attention is an important tool, a way of listening and carefree interaction with each other.

The concept of the new Anlage has a high degree of appreciation for: Vertrauensbildung, the Erleben von Selbstwirksamkeit and the Bereitschaft, eigen Grenzen zu überwinden, stehen in Vordergrund. “Boundaries since essence,” says Janke. “If you make a move out of the comfort zone, you can wait.”

Security concept

The Security Konzept der Anlage follows the sogenannten Vier-Augen-Prinzip: Nur the Lehrkräfte since for the Sicherheit sister, among the Schülerinnen and Schüler were actively einzogen. If you learn that you and your Mitschüler-drinken and the best of the Verantwortung – a pädagogischer Ansatz, weit in Sport mode. “If you see the opportunity, the youth are no longer involved in sports, but there are a number of social experts who are lost,” Quenzer explains. “Sicherheit and Verantwortung go hand in hand here.”

The response to the Lehrkräften has been enormous. Many people have expressed an interest in a special Fortbildung, one of the ways in which they can use the correspondence. The debtor works here with external partners, a knowledge that is mutual.

The correspondence would no longer be included in Einsatz’s sports regulations. You will find them in special education, with theater, rhythm and purchase operations, a role play. Even in the extensive youth training, which continues in collaboration with the evangelical youth work Bad Mergentheim, the Anlage will probably be consumed.

“Wir was immer Wert auf ein valfältiges Sportangebot gegt”, says Janke and requires auf frühere Project who the Bau a balancing act and a small playing field at the Schulhof.

In addition, the debt of the pausenhofspielmobil and a large repertoire and zircus material is the rule for projects and upgrades that are necessary. “With the Kletteranlage there are plenty of options for you and your children, with a little more flexibility, even more personal and personal.”

A new path in the Schulalltag

With the opening of the Kletteranlage, the St. Bernhard Real School acquires a new Chapter. It can be a component of the debt. “Wir wollen wenseren Schülern die Möglichkeit geben, nicht nur sportlich, without having to worry personally,” said Janke dismissively.

The Schüler can enjoy his or her own life: Klettern ist a jetzt mehr nur unsflug, without a second thought.