
City will continue to function properly during the maintenance period

City will continue to function properly during the maintenance period


The urban development became active after my job was fragmented into the job

Zum ersten Mal führt die Brugger Stadtverwaltung eine Mitarbeiterbefragung durch. When the resulting presentation is executed.

Claudia Meier

27.09.2024, 5am

After the Kündigungswelle and Krankheitsfällen ief de herausfordernde Personalsituation bei der Stadt Brugg letztes Jahr auch de Politik auf the Plan. Frau Stadtammann Barbara Horlacher was able to undergo an interpellation from the bad FDP Einwohnerrats Willi Wengi in September 2023, the first breakthrough of a partial swearing-in for 2024. A bet of 10,000 Francs is included in the budget.

Stadtmitarbeitende can take action and enter a different environment.

Stadtmitarbeitende can take action and enter a different environment.

Image: Claudia Meier

If there is a problem at the city bridge, you will find the fragmentation of the Mitarbeitenden active. Laut Stadtschreiber Matthias Guggisberg was released at the end of September. Anfang Woche the Rücklaufquote was 64 Prozent. If the fragments don’t have savory yet, that’s not as motivating.

The transfer takes place in the sector with the Institute for Arbeitsforschung and Organizational Activities Iafob in Zurich, but the answers in the kommenden Wochen are available, so the Stadtschreiber. You may no longer be affected by the Arbeitsbelastung or the Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten thematisiert.

This month the result of the city bridge was presented. “The things we did would take place in the laurel of the January sisters with the first mass vorgestellt,” Guggisberg with. And in the right form, the knowledge and recognition then became openly communicated.

With the slogan

With the slogan “Wird Tschugger bi de Brugger” the Regional Police Brugg will bring passers-by and passers-by to some fun.

Image: nvg

If Arbeitgeberin de Stadtbrug initiates a new Badmeister or a new Badmeisterin, a Leitung für de Bereich Tiefbau and with the pasting of placards of a Polizei-Aspiranten or a Polizei-Aspirantin following the motto “Wird Tschugger bi der Brugger”. Insgesamt soll der Personal file der Regionalpolizei Brugg um 400 Stellenprozent were stocked. The Einwohnerrat gab in June grünes Light dafür.