
Hohentengen: 60 Jahre Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and Service since 60 Years

Hohentengen: 60 Jahre Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and Service since 60 Years

Hohentengen – Bodenbeläge Fensterdekorationen, Sonnen-oder Insektenschutz. At the Raumausstattung company, Pfähler gives everything under his control. And it takes 60 years. 1964, von Peter Pfähler was founded, when he went from the experts into the world in the 1960s, when it became a schöne Zuhause. It is possible to cover the costs and the entire investment through a single charge.

Image 1: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

If someone else can see that there is another Ereignisse, like the Beispiel, while the Beatles were the first time America went on a trip, Sandra Bullock, Russel Crow and Nicolas Cage were born, or the “Love song would no longer be my Darling ” in the Charts war. The war for Peter Pfähler is not fair, people are thinking about the Gründung des Betriebes and the Handwerksarbeit, which as a Raumausstattermeister will remain and lie for so long.

Image 2: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

Which war in the war Peter Pfähler said Mutter, died in his tatkräftig unterstützte and as Schneidermeisterin for the next war. The team of Mutter and Sohn were as fast and as good as the first Mal nach grote Räumlichkeiten gesucht. In 1971, the Pfähler company started in its own Geschäfts- and Wohnhaus. Here war for a few years genug Platz and bot an angemessene Nähstube and ausreichend Lagerplatz for Stoffe, Gardinen and Bodenbeläge.

Image 3: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

In 1974 heir Peter Pfähler was Irmgard and schon bald by the Zuwachs in the Familie der Platz wieder knapp. In 1982, Peter and Irmgard Pfähler were the „Teppichhalle Pfähler“ in the Industrial Area Hohentengen, in one of the beds, one of the most important industrial buildings. Here war on the Reichend Platz, one of the dams believes that Auslegeware on Rolls is to buy. If the Pfähler company goes to war, the ongoing wars may continue. The last few years have started in the region and since 2011 in the second generation of Alexander Pfähler, Raumausstattermeister and Obermeister of Innung Waldshut-Bad Säckingen, geführt.

Image 4: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

The Leistungsspektrum of the Unternehmens is one of the best soil protection, sun and insect protection products for deco and gardening. The bottom bell made of wood, linoleum, PVC or cork are built into the top layer of a subordinate charm. “We respect our environment and our love for local enjoyment and nurturing,” says Alexander Pfähler. Another advantage of the environmental protection project is that a Dachbegriff “Health Seas” has been found. Various materials with garden fabric and teppich bottoms from recycled fishing nets were processed into high-quality nylon boats. More information about the system “cradle to cradle” (C2C) is supported. The C2C-Prinzip describes the method of material development, with the soul, the development of a material environment, which results in a material development.
A larger company from the company Raumausstattungen Pfähler zum Umweltschutz, ist the Flotte bestehend aus E-Fahrzeugen or the Stromerzeugung Mittels Photovoltaic canalization that the angebotene Fernwärme zu utilities.

Image 5: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

Pfähler Raumausstattungen serves überwiegend Kunden in a radius of 25 kilometers around a Hohentengen, sowohl in Deutschland as well as in der Schweiz. With manual workmanship and comprehensive service, everything is done with one hand – for assembly and installation.

Image 6: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

Another highlight is that it is still the best way to use your own Nähatelier, the garden and the veil after the Wünschen der Kunden. In a large quantity of products that the knowledge of a substance from substances could process and compare, the Auswahl was erheblich erleichtert. Alexander Pfähler and his team can take their time with Rat and Tat on their page.

Image 7: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

Make sure protection and safety are guaranteed

Hohentengen – Raumausstatter Pfähler aus Hohentengen has been around for 60 years and has been very successful. Darum read the observations on the same day, 28. and the Sonntag, 29. for a great festival with a programm. The Burtstagsgäste lasts from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. a glimpse behind the Kulissen wharves.

Figure 8: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

Umphangreiches program

A party on the land of the Unternehmens, it is the best choice to find a getaway and one of the nice guests of the guest. In de Zeit Sind der Verkaufsraum, de Werkstatt und het Nähatelier in een Rundgang zu erkunden. Denn das Unternehmen can eat a few things. So the theme “Nachhaltigkeit” is written in greater detail in the Unternehmen. An E-Transporter-Flotte with power from its own photovoltaic energy or the use of Fernwärme is a strong argument, in itself for the external use of electricity.

Figure 9: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

During the party, the chance of a garden being removed from the roll may increase and it may not last long. It may be that a project is carried out for a project. Or the Besucher can set a new Fragment. Alexander Pfähler and his team are happy to provide you with information about manufacturing. If we focus more on our craft, we can find all the answers to this. The anniversary celebration is attractive in all ranges.

Figure 10: 60 years of Raumausstattung Pfähler: Quality and service from 60 years

The children’s program and the family are both a family member, that is the Wochenende die verschönern. So let a Hüpfburg make a program and a program program is the best.