
RQI Immobilien übernimmt „Upper West“ und „Bremsenwerk“ van SIGNA ins Asset Management

RQI Immobilien übernimmt „Upper West“ und „Bremsenwerk“ van SIGNA ins Asset Management

Asset management | Unternehmen

Berlin, 27.09.2024

Prof. Dr. Nico B. Rottke / Hendrik Möller

  • RQI Tochter ‘RE.Structuring Solutions’ carries SIGNA-Asset-Management-Mandate
  • Liegenschaften ‘Upper West’ und ‘Bremsenwerk’ in Berlin since Teil des Portfolios
  • ‘Upper-West’-Verkauf durch RQI gesteuert
  • Assets under Management (AuM) of RQI Immobiliën increased to 950 Mio. Euro

The RQI Immobilien AG (RQI) is a federally active real estate investor and management partner in the Asset-Klassen Wohnen, Büro and Geschäftshäuser with Fokus at Wertschöpfungsinvestments and Kapitalpartnerschaften with Hauptsitz in Wiesbaden. Another service company, the RQI RE.Structuring Solutions GmbH in Sitz in Berlin, is part of the Signa Prime Selection AG and the Signa Development Selection AG with the Asset Management of the joint German Real Estate Portfolios, both of which can become Austrian Aktiengesellschaften. The Liegenschaften are no longer affected by the declaration of bankruptcy of the Signa Gruppe. The assets under management of the RQI are consolidated with these mandates at approximately 950 million. Euro.

“This mandate is one of the most important demands for the RQI in the restrukturierungsberatung sector,” said Professor Dr. Nico Rottke, CEO of RQI Immobilien AG. „There are no financial matters that have a major influence on the professional treasures, restrukturierung and management of the Liegenschaften der Durch Baukostenexplosion, zinvermehrfachung and Abwertungswelle in Not geraten Immobiliendossiershalter and -projecttentwickler. Our experience as a business leader in the Krisenzeiten, here is the dominion over the business processes, professional asset and exit management, which are more authentic here.” COO and Asset Management Executive Hendrik Möller said: “The market for financial management solutions for the active and passive side of the business, also with focus on real estate as a capital of multidisciplinary specialized services in RQI. We no longer have competition for our own portfolio, but are better off relying on the market for deliberation. After the risk reduction management with the Liegenschaften as ‘One-Stop-Shop’, this is a long-term or short exit from the portfolios during their stabilization.

Deutschlandweit verteiltes hochwertiges Portfolio

Through RQI, the Asset and Exit Manager becomes a new portfolio with a new real estate instruction. Trading is an object of Asset-Classes Büro, Hotel and Handel. The gesamtmietfläche covers an area of ​​190,000 m² compared to the cities of Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne and Wolfsburg.

Carsten Meinhardt, Head of Transaction of RQI, when inhaling the mandates: “The team for eight leading positions is the best to achieve the sale of optimal immobility and stability. We will have our in-house expertise and in-market, taxable network for the relevant real estate and financial sectors. You can positively bring together our know-how in the field of financing exit projects.”

Hendrik Th. Möller, COO of the RQI, very „Wir knew one of the reausforderungen, the mandate and the market term are connected. As you enter the market situation has never been stronger during the summer of 2022 and there is concern in the preparation of the market, which is your master and as a competent partner for Signa Prime Selection AG, Signa Development Selection AG and Your investors and lenders are planning to buy. The Krisenerfahrenes management team has great expertise in the Lehman and Eurokrise of the Verleidingenheit, with the right tools and soul-oriented activities”.

Landmark-Immobilien included

The most prominent portfolio objects are found in the Verkauf “Upper West” in Berlin-Charlottenburg and the Bremsenwerk in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Trading in “Upper West” started in 2017 at the City-West Wahrzeichen on the Berliner Breitscheidplatz. Located at the beginning of the well-known Kurfürstendamm, there are the best business addresses in Germany. With 33 floors, 119 meters high and a base of 43,700 m² built with DGNB-Gold and LEED-Platinum, a hotel can be used. It is one of the structures that have been modified.

The “Bremsenwerk” in the Berliner Stadtteil Lichtberg is a file of an RQI management mandate for asset management. The direct production of the Verkehrsknotenpunkt Ostkreuz concerned the Industriedenkmal during the 1903 war and the war against the evil production stätte of the Company KNORR Bremse. In the 1990s, a turnaround took place in an office complex in 2023. Seine Grossfläche covers 96,860 m².