
TD Synnex with 5 Prozent more Umsatz

TD Synnex with 5 Prozent more Umsatz

The distribution company of TD Synnex has found the best way to distribute a quarter of the information and ensure that the German lies about the market observation. Der Umsatz believe that is worth 14.7 billion dollars, has overcome a value of 5 percent. If the market operator is concerned with purchasing money; I was tipped for 14.1 billion dollars. In Europe, the Umsatz of 4.2 Billion Dollars in the Vorjahresquartal could be raised up to 4.6 Billion Dollars, a Plus of fast 10 Prozent entspricht.

The Quartalswonnen employee believed 393 Million Dollars or 2.86 Dollars for Aktie or Sonderposten, who earned 397 Millions last time. Dennoch did the analyst analysis, which costs $2.80 for a TD paper straightener.

The hinges will show up if you have a penetrating view. Während das Management fürs laufende Quartal einen Gewinn 2.80 und 3.30 Dollar pro Aktie in Aussicht setlte, rechneten de Marktbeobachter in Schnitt with 3.22 Dollar. Dafür übertraf die Umsatzprognose de Marktwartungen deutlich. Der Konzern would have earned a value of 14.9 and 15.7 billion dollars, the analyst guild in Schnitt completely worth 15.15 billion dollars.

Trading in the trade can be done the way the Quartalszahlen is carried out. (rd)