
No more Kürbis: 5 Superfoods go well with the herbs

No more Kürbis: 5 Superfoods go well with the herbs

Kein Herbst ohne leckeren Kürbis

Kürbis is a gem? Falsch! If you want the Kürbisse eigentlich zur Gattung der Beerenfrüchte zählen and damn if womöglich größte Beeren der Welt gelten? No, that’s not true. It is essential to have the warmest material, the sogenannte “Panzerbeere” in itself.

Separate from the powerful orange Farbe Valer Kürbisse ist der high Gehalt and Beta-Karotin. The time has come for the culinary herb class with vitamins B1, B2 and B4 and gives you a mix of mineral substances with magnesium, potassium, protein and for all types of potassium.

Kürbis is also no longer strong and has a relatively large arm, which means things probably won’t go well. So give it a value of 800 unsorted sorts. Whether you buy one or more products, our Körper-gleichzeitig is super tasty and provides plenty of nourishing substances.

Frisian Feigen

Während rocknete Feigen das gaze über im Supermarkt finden, hat de fresh Version jetzt Saison. Provide a healthy yoghurt and a good frühhstück or a combination with fresh cheese on the salad zum Mittagessen – the middle fruit genius is brought into unjustified variations. Getrocknet or fresh – the feeling is a real superfood.

Take time to intensify fresh fresh ingredients with 100 grams of 60 calories. Rich hinges are mineral substances such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, proteins and vitamins, including A, B1-B9, C, E and K. They have a ballast saturated effect.

A smaller secret tip is the Feige in the background of the Verdauung. The superfruit produces a digestive enzyme and brings the digestive tract into order. Most of the small nuclei of the food are killed in the heart of the world, soft drinks are made at the blockage halves and for a healthy intestinal flora solution.

Vitamin D quelle in herbs: Eierschwämme

Während Pilze wie Mushrooms are grown throughout the year, grow fresh, grow fresh from the woods. Protein Junkies can no longer eat. Denn Eierschwämme is not a protein bomb, which is still used today.

Make sure you use some of the bulking materials. Anyone who is all Pilsen has a good vitamin D quelle. It looks like we’ve seen our Knochen and Muskeln – but also not a good comment for all sports freaks. Eierschwämme likes a variety of B-Vitamin, Mineral substances with Potassium and Magnesium with trace elements.

Herbstlicher Klassiker: Äpfel

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – aber sowas von! Gerade in winter in winter can so well control the vital dust-free fruits. The best result is Menge Vitamin C unser Immunsystem. Roads with high concentrations of ballast substances, flavonoids and polyphenols, which clean our Körper, can only be called “Broom for the Body” – also “Broom for the Körper”. This is why Vitamin C is the source of nutritional requirements.

Smaller tip: When you make a question, it is important that the scale is close to most Nährstoffe. We have enjoyed our products for eight seasons, with herbs from the Cox Orange, Elstar, Kidd’s Orange and Rubinette range.

Gesunder Snack: Maroni

Everything is clean from freshly prepared food Maroni had a washer in the Mund sammenlaufen and remembers a Christmas market. Among the goose zuckerbombs that produce mandeln and shoes, there is talk of a suitable superfood product.

If the first Blick is worth it, the Maronis will disappear. But dieser Eindruck täuscht. If you have eaten a mixture of carbohydrates (42 grams of carbohydrate in 100 grams of maroni), you can eat the Esskastanien with the fettärmsten Snacks and a reduced egg white content (and 6-9 grams per 100 grams of chestnut). Many of our products contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and valuable oils.