
Commerzbank-Aktie investigated: UBS will erhöht in the Abwehrstrategy against UniCredit Helfen – Renditeziel für 2027

Commerzbank-Aktie investigated: UBS will erhöht in the Abwehrstrategy against UniCredit Helfen – Renditeziel für 2027

Commerzbank will issue a press release by giving the banks a chance through the UniCredit period.

Neben Goldman Sachs has now established the institute at the Schweizer Großbank UBS with the famous Vorschlägen-beauftragt, reported by the “Börsen-Zeitung” in the Mittwochabend unter beufung auf Aufsichtsratskreise.

One of the company’s own actions, with new chef Bettina Orlopp designing an aggressive strategy. If the Commerzbank enters the Market as Käufer in Consolidation and thus goes on the Offensive, this will continue. Bereits in October are from the Commerzbank that paid the first Vorschläge.

The Italian from UniCredit has used a credit agreement for a loan from the Bundes at his disposal at the Frankfurt market and made another Aktien payment on the market. You can now buy the Zugriff financial instruments on the 21st time from last time. You can increase the UniCcredit value of the creditworthiness, while you already have an amount of 29.9%.

Commerzbank establishes itself on Ringen with UniCredit here

A higher return and more money for the promotion: Kurz for a first meeting with the Italian UniCredit-setzt sich the Commerzbank ehrgeizigere Ziele. The equity will be sold on more than 12 days in 2027 and will grow higher as a plant, such as the DAX-Konzern am Donnerstag in Frankfurt Mitteilte. Zudem will give the Commerzbank more money and its anteilseigner ausschütten and the Erträge nach oben schrauben.

An der Börse kamen die Nachrichten gut an: The Commerzbank-Aktie gets more money as money for 16.08 Euro and war loses the title in Dax. If the paper was mined during the 1950s, most of the Unicredit buying is done as a large transaction.

Such a Freitag is a first encounter with lending to the Unicredit organization, which found the best support manager Bettina Orlopp at a branch conference in London. If the Italian bank puts pressure on the commercial bank, there is an attractive prospect for trading.

The Institute has erhebliches Wachstums- und Wertsteigerungspotenzial, sagte Aufsichtsratschef Jens Weidmann. The bank has its own position as a strong position in the German banking market and a partner of the secret Wirtschaft aus. Orlopp hob from the Rolle der Bank for the German Wirtschaftshervor. “Der Mittelstand ist unsere DNA,” he said. It is very important that you can do this.

Ehrgeizige Vorgaben

There are many possibilities, the commercial bank has used a young strategy form and is ambitious: if the equity of the commercial bank has a value of 11.5 percent of the years in 2027 and eight years later.

Der Gewinn voor Zahlungen für eigenkapitalähnliche Anleihen soll ferner 2027 auf 3,6 Billiarden Euro klettern. It would take longer for the Institute to start operating this year. In 2023, Commerzbank received a profit distribution of 2.2 billion euros, which produces a profitable profit. If the Leitzinses have fallen, they will be dependent on the combined banking sector of a bank.

From 2025 to 2027, the Commerzbank has auctioned its jewels from more than 90 Prozent an. If all goes well, the bank will make more money if they pay a dividend or close a stock trade. If the bank no longer wants it, half of the profits may come from the wool.

Commerzbank will strengthen Erträge vigorously

Zudem wolle de Commerzbank jijätzliche Ertragspotenziale erschließen, etwa bij Firmenkunden, in der Vermögensverwaltung und bij de polnischen Tochter mBank, als Orlopp. The manager of the Monatsende of the Chief Posts at the Commerzbank.

Both efforts set the price of 13.3 billion euros for 2027 in Australia; for these years the bank rechnet here with 10.9 billion euros. You can save costs and spend money on your illness, earn and invest your money. Look at the overviews, the intensive integrations are possible, so Orlopp.

The Unicredit has used the financing from the Bunds and is still bigger than the commercial bank. Zuletzt sicherten sich die Italiener – Finanzinstrumente eingerechnet – 21 Prozent der Anteile. Damit wären si major actions for the Bund, der rund 12 Prozent an der Commerzbank hält. If you make the Unicredit payment, this will be a first time that you will have 29.9 percent of the shares in stock. There is a lender for the Deutschlands zweitgrößte Privatbank wahrscheinlicher.

Künftige Commerzbank-Chefin will carry out all Vorschläge prüfen

Smart Commerzbank chief Bettina Orlopp feels that Unicredit has committed an all-options violation. “If we had ever known about the Tisch bekommen (…), we would make a lot of money, we could buy the Stakeholder,” he said at a BofA Securities Finanz conference. Freitag is planning a first meeting with Unicredit.

The Italian bank has a 9 percent share in the commercial bank – another through the debt of the previous bank – and a financial instrument that operates at a 21 percent of previous years. Unicredit Principal Andrea Orcel is working for a successful completion.

While the Frage, through the Commerzbank, was to buy a “Giftpille”, a force majeure of foreclosure, Orlopp said: “We were keine dummen Sachen machen.” Your Hauptaufgabe is de Wert und Geschäftsmodel van de Commerzbank van Schützen. “These improvements, very successful purchases or fast purchases are possible – not with us, but we are not able to do so. We will not be able to do this, but we will not be able to do so.”

Tomorrow there is a meeting with Unicredit-planted. “Unicredit is an investor and it is normal for this to happen,” Orlopp said.

So respond to the Commerzbank Aktien

The new Mittelfrisziele has restarted the Commerzbank business in the Donnerstag and continues at the level of the summer of 2011. Via XETRA you place the paper at a value of 6.74 Euro or 16.32 Euro.

As the tailwind has become more ambitious through the Großbank, the Schrittweisen of the Bundes has become one of the largest debts.

The Italian UniCredit can be used for direct and indirect payments at 21 Percenten. Most of the interest in the conversations came from France’s BNP-paribas or a few more from Deutsche Bank.

The fantasy fantasy of the Commerzbank-Papiere takes place on 10. September is quickly 30 Prozent nach oben. I enjoyed the best Dax-Wert that won 50 Prozent for a year. There are more than 21 percent of the equity that the European bank has acquired.

Because in the camp there is an own ownership position of the commercial bank in the middle of the interest and profit-seeking nachoben. In this way we are able to view our higher education and actions.

Shareholders’ equity is up more than 12 percent in 2027, while ending 11.5 percent of the time. After the commercial bank received a German loan of three million euros in 2027, it was set at 2.2 billion euros in 2023. In the coming years, the Bank will pay out more than 90 percent of its profits as dividends or die in Aktienrückkäufestecken.

As the new Ziele erreicht, she said that the German attention was on the market gains, commented RBC analyst Anke Reingen.

The commercial banker is the prize winner of the loan from Unicredit with an amount of 19 billion euros. The Italian competitor quickly reaches 65 billion euros; the BNP Paribas is worth more than 70 billion.


FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) / (Dow Jones)