
“A positive sexual culture with a strong effective effect”

“A positive sexual culture with a strong effective effect”

As the new Leader of the Community Prevention, Intervention and Aufarbeitung, Angelika Wirtz is responsible for the engagement of the Bistums Essen against sexualized Gewalt. With a visit to the „Walk In Ruhr“ (WIR), the center for sexual health and meditation in the St. Elisabeth Hospital of Bochumer, you enter the Ruhrbistum for a positive sexual culture, so prevention will be stricter.

More personal, more comprehensive – and now a new philosophy: As a consequence of the results of the process, the sexual development of the behavior in the Bistum Essen hat dies personal in the process of practice, intervention and sexual development of the behavior of the child in the future new structure and professionalism. With the promotional communication mathematics teacher Angelika Wirtz, an expert for health care organizations has now been sent to the Leitung des Stabsbereichs Prevention, Intervention and Aufarbeitung in Bistum Essen – and leaves the Verantwortung for the Engagement of Diöze gegen sexual waltzed. I interview Wirtz with his research into “Walk In Ruhr” (WIR), the Center for Sexual Health and Meditation in the St. Elisabeth Hospital of Bochumer, and I am in a Kirchlichen context for a positive sexual culture as a subject for a similar prevention.

Frage: Frau Dr. Wirtz, for Ihrem Wechsel zum Bistum Essen, was working at the Center for Sexual Health and Medizin at the Bochumer St. Elisabeth Hospital at “Walk In Ruhr” (WIR). Do you find an idea and perspective that can help Bistum Essen make a profit?

Angelika Wirtz: I am in the WIR-Zentrum war busy clearing projects for health development and preventive responsibility. Darin has led positive sexual culture in organizations through the Bildung and Organizationsentwicklung. Positive sexual culture provides for a healthy environment, it is the best fall-free ist from Tabu, Stigma, Diskriminierung and Gewalt. They also have a strong preventive effect.

There is a positive contribution to the sexual culture of the Zweck from the prevention of machen, which is neither untouched in the Kirchlichen context. Werde could say: ‘We want to invest in organizations that have a positive sexual culture, that are woolen.’? Vertrauter hier, Prävention als Schutz of der Abwehr zu verstehen von etwas, das man auf keinen Fall has möchte, namlich sexualisierte Gewalt and Missbrauch; also: ‘If we invest in Schutzkonzeptarbeit, we will be grateful.’ In a solchen Perspektive blieben wir aber dauerhaft defensive.

Profits can be made at the Bistum Essen by the impulse, a positive sexual culture is active to develop and become self-confident in the Fläche that you bring.

Frage: It may be that years are about sexual abuse, a focused discussion and energy in a standard treatise of the preventive measures – the team is once again at the front with the new cases of sexual confrontation. Do you like this?

Wirtz: Have you fallen years? The view on the changes in the Church and the church structures does not believe that the discussion and prevention often take years, but it can also be the case. We can come to terms with it, that is all about Schutzkonzepte – the core of the practice work – the sexuality is more beneficial throughout the end.

Dennoch invested in the Bistum Essen, the energy decreased and increased in its own haltung and management, which we would learn later. One of the preventive measures says that the Hinweise is a Hinweise and is announced. Prevention also influences people’s sexual experience and the theme that is used. Sie hat Tabus bereits abgebaut. Gerade has a bigger problem with the prevention of further measures.

Frage: Kern der Präventionsarbeit in den Pfarreien, Schulen und other katholischen Einrichtungen sind die jeweiligen Schutzkonzepte. Who can help the team of the non-interested organizations, can this Schutzkonzepte be changed a little?

Erster Jahresbericht “Prävention, intervention and sex education in Bistum Essen”

Das Bistum Essen has published a first annual report, which lists which activities in the Bereichen Prävention, Intervention and sex education will take place in the year 2023. The message is intended for download.

Wirtz: Viele Mitarbeitende finden wichtig, ass ihre Organization ein Schutzkonzept hat, been aber bislang fell Arbeit damit. I think we have a big fruit bar during the soul Unterstützung of Transfer, and also the transfer of new know-how in the Arbeitsroutine. Once it is so, come a man with a Fortbildung or Schulung in his Büro ist der Schreibtisch, how right full-country skiing and the fresh erlernten Impulse is a short loss. For transfer purposes, the Leitungskräfte is fragmented, which requires your business knowledge and work time. A souled machine can be used for these devices.

Do you want to know whether you can reach the organization of the organizations: Do you want to reach the organization? Would you like to clamp your Umsetzung? It is not possible to uphold the internal communication and management of the Klemmen management. Discussion with the organization of the organization about the right situation is often very motivating and important for the Schutzkonzept.