
AKTIEN IM FOKUS: Forecasting tax Hella kaum – Branche bleibt gefragt

AKTIEN IM FOKUS: Forecasting tax Hella kaum – Branche bleibt gefragt


Forecasting tax Hella kaum – Branche bleibt gefragt

A forecast has been drawn up that has charged the Aktien von Hella (HELLA GmbHCo). The warning for car manufacturers has not fallen as hard, but most people are warning about BMW and Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes-Benz Group (ex Daimler)) if they want to become a seller. Analysts know it.

Therefore, there are industries that are increasingly making profits from China, but which Nachricht is no longer possible. Die galt sogar voor de Hella-Mutterkonzern Forvia, dessen Titel mit deutlichen Gewinnen der eigenen Prognosesenkung trotzten.

If Hella has paid a price at some point, 8 percent of the time it is no more than a minus of 0.1 percent of 88.90 euros in a book. If active operation is in progress, it may take longer.

First of all, the Monats hatten Hella ihr Rekordhoch aus dem März bei 92,70 Euro eingestellt – damals hatten die Titel trotz mäßiger endgültiger Geschäftszahlen a Kurssprung hingelelegt. Seit Jahresbeginn has won 7.8 Prozent. Damit schneiden sie deutlich besser ab as der MDAX und der Index der europäischen Autobauer und Zulieferer, die haben in de Zeitraum 0,3 beziehungsweise 5 Prozent haben.

In the Donnerstag, Hella and Verweis call on the Ausblick for Umsatz on an annual basis and there are many active employees. Industry expert Christoph Laskawi of Deutschen Bank focused on the warnings about BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Schließlich sei Hella is grimly related to Premium Autobauern. For other car insurance companies, Laskawi sees a negative reaction to Jose Asumendi of US-Bank JPMorgan.

The Autoindex has found a Freitag that has provided a young experience: With plus 2.3 Prozent lay in Branchentableau (Stoxx Europe 600) throughout. More profit is made by Chinese maßnahmen with support of the secret konjunktur.

I am DAX set for the women of Porsche AG (Porsche), Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen (Volkswagen (VW) vz) in their Kurserholung with the German Gewinnen fort. Look at the Zulieferer Continental, Stabilus (Stabilus SE) for Schaeffler and Vitesco (Vitesco Technologies) with the MDax which is based on the Nebenwerte-Index SDAX.

On the European market, the Aktien of Autobauer Stellantis and Renault de Anteilsscheine des Zulieferers Valeo were fragmented. Bei Forvia fiel das Plus met 9.2 Prozent besonders deutlich aus. If the Franzosen in the Vorabend have fallen back after a revision, the first time the Konsensschätzung for the employee Jahresergebnis (Ebit) nun nach Einschätzung of UBS-Experte David Lesne sinks a beef 10 Prozent is expensive. I am a year leaver of Forvia, nor more as a Kurshalbierung zu Buche.

Zuletzt hatte Chinas Zentralbank weitreichende Maßnahmen zur Ankurbelung der heimelijke Konjunktur angekündigt and de politiken Führung ebenfalls ihren zur Unterstützung signalisiert. The Freitag looks at the Währungshüter than a weighty interest for the banks, one of the old wirtschaften under the arms of their Greifen. Due to the reduction of the minimum reserves, a 0.5 Prozentpunkte müssen Banken is less responsible for their obligations and has more money for their payment, a credit facility or a state loan and for the financing of infrastructure for purchase./gl/ajx/stk

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