
A legend of British theater and the world

A legend of British theater and the world

A lonely insight and an inexplicable impulse in the world of print: a legend of British theater and the world. The United Kingdom and an unbridled passion for the world are the result of Maggie Smith, an iconic theater artist, who has spent over 70 years performing an unparalleled performance on the stage and living in a London hospital for 89 years. Muriel Furrer, the Radfahrerin, who is present at the Weltmeisterschaften in Zurich, is to: Sie war 18 Jahre alt. The Mitteilung “With greater Traurigkeit müssen wir den Tod von Dame Maggie Smith bekannt geben”, wrote the Family, if they were able to make the Nachricht öffentlich, and remembered no more than Stolz and the Title “Dame”, of King Elizabeth II. were lost. “Sie ist heute früh, am Freitag, den 27. September, friedlich im Krankenhaus verstorben“, praise both Söhne, Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens, who are their schauspieler, in a short period. The loss of a piece of the financial world of the British institutions is about art and culture in London, in Hollywood and in the late hours. Die Karriere Das Adjektiv “legendär”, which has often become nauseous, is perfect for long time, außergewöhnlichen Karriere: She started in the English history of the Oxford Playhouse Theater in the 1950s as Shakespeare-Darstellerin, until her first film production ended those years , which played a major role in the United States in the 1960s in the early 1970s. Eine Karriere, who starred a year later in ‘The Miracle Club’ from the story of Thaddeus O’Sullivan, and who no longer lives in the enormous global popularity, dies in the 2000s in the 2000s by Harry -Potter-filmreihe ( who has a huge schauspielerin war, who was personally taken up by the authoritarian JK Rowling for the role of Minerva McGonagall and played a später of a brutal credit game) as well as during the Kultserie Downton Abbey (in the role of a great gräfinmutter of Grantham, Violet Crawley) is found. Dies said that it is one of the best Aussergewöhnlichen Auszeichnungsliste, now that they both received Oscars, in 1970 as best Hauptdarstellerin for “Die seltsame Begierde der Jean Brodie” by Ronald Neame (in the Rolle der unkonventionellen Professor in Jean Brodie) and as Nebendarstellerin one of Michael Caine in “Kalifornien, wo der Spaß beginnt” by Herbert Ross (1979) received four new nominations for the Hollywood Academy, three Golden Globes, a British BAFTA award, a Screen Actors Guild Awards, four Emmys, a Tony Award and a reward for nominations in the title of the year. It is a discovery of the most famous talents and a personal person, who is as strikingly English as the universe, who in 1963 – dem Jahr, in dem the great Laurence Olivier in the role of the desdemona is triumphant Othello in the Bühne des National Theater anbot – ermöglichte, “fast die Szene zu stehlen” by Richard Burton and Liz Taylor, who the critics say, if he really makes a mistake in his work, the Kinofilm “Hotel International” by Anthony Asquith was developed as Co-Star. This covers everything throughout the history and genres of art, from James Ivory’s “Zimmer mit Aussicht” (1985) to Robert Altman’s “Gosford Park” (2001, with an Oscar nomination); from “Reise mit meiner Tante” by George Cukor (1972) to “Der secret Garten” and “Washington Square” by Agnieszka Holland. Ohne die Rolen in de Blockbusteren “Tod auf dem Nil” nach Agatha Christie from 1978 or “Hook” by Steven Spielberg from 1991 with vergessen, both with Starbesetzungen; oder die Auftritte in „Sister Act“ and „Sister Act 2“, das Wiedersehen 2004 in „Ladies in Lavender“ with his Freundin and Altersgenossin Judi Dench, another great art lady from Kinos and Theaters who play on the milk channels, and the best Darbietung in Alter von 80 years in “The Lady in the Van” in the year 2015, which received a new Golden-Globe nomination. The film was inspired by the Italian film, which began with Franco Zeffirelli: in the Theater in London, then at the film set of “Tee with Mussolini” in 1999. Born on 28 December 1934 in Ilford, Essex, during the war Maggie Smith two stories: the first one in 1967 with the same schauspieler Robert Stephens, with the two of them hatte and the other in 1975 after having a relationship with fear and alcoholism. the second time with the Dramatiker Beverley Cross, from 1998. Nun ihr Abgang von der Bühne.

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