
Lokalpolitik braucht Frauen: Workshop für Gemeinderätinnen im Landratsamt – Region

Lokalpolitik braucht Frauen: Workshop für Gemeinderätinnen im Landratsamt – Region

Pforzheim/Enzkreis. Who has their own idea in Anträge? Once you have chosen the right time, would you like to ask? Who trades a man Kompromisse über Fraktionsgrens hinweg? Who won a man? These and many more fragments have resulted in a seminary savory, which has ausgericht on the wonderful beauty treatments of the Enzkreises and the city of Pforzheim. A seminar, based on the title “How Gemeinderätin/Kreisrätin?” a Frauen in kommunalpolitischen Ämtern oriented hat.

If the story of ‘Mitmischen, Einmischen, Aufmischen’ started with a ‘practical useful input, especially for new mandates at the Ebene community, their own political involvement that is accompanied by shapes’. Rund 25 Gemeinde and Kreisrätinnen have registered in Vorfeld: for referee Dagmar Wirtz “an absolutely great” Resonanz. Die Politikwissenschaftlerin, Soziologin und Systemische Moderatorin ist mit ihrer Expertise in ganz Baden-Württemberg gefragt. Anyway, he’s an active community politics guy who probably has some of the Austausch services, for women that don’t exist. In the Sitzungssaal of the Landratsamts you can see that the Teilnehmerinnen are active.

Great accountability

If you hear Rita Talmon, you will sit for the Grünen in the Kreistag in 2019 and for the Menschen in the Kreis a Vermittlerin will make his will. Talmon thinks it is important when he is at the new stand. And if it is concrete, the big sale is best as Kreisrätin-trägt. Talmon is the woman who sits in the Gemeinderäten with the young Wahlen who fell into the Kreistag.

“It doesn’t bother us, one of the most striking things.”

The Fraktionskollegin Christine Fischer, who has been dying in Kämpfelbach since 2014, is a member of the List of People and Environment (MuM) and will spend the summer in the Kreistag-gewählt-wurde. Do not lie in Solidarity and Justice at Herzen. Wobei sie damit auch Geschlechterigkeit und de Rechte der Frauen meint. During the seminar the aim is for you to deepen and learn and to experience the possibilities of Mitwirkung, sustainability and credit upgrading. Auch Jessica Rapp courted, fell new lernen and über party borders behind contact with other women who knüpfen, who find themselves in the Kommunalpolitik. Dabei thinks that it is an erfahrene Kreisrätinnen, die veld wertvolles Wissen weitergeben können.


Were übernimmt die Posten? The Geschlechtergleichheit in Pforzheim is crying out for it

Go to the Wahl for the CDU in the Birkenfelder Gemeinderat and how you can offer a mentor program, the beautiful city streets and the Enzkreises for potential candidate candidates. Auch Imke Querengässer is new in Gemeinderat, allends in Königsbach-Stein, we are with the new established Bürgerliste im Summer sammen with three Mitstreitern from their Stand den Einzug ins Gremium geschafft hat. If the seminar does not start, it is useful to know that you want to provide information.

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The program finds it “very interesting”. All things said, Querengässer nicht, warum bei dem Seminar nur Frauen erlaubt since. If we get more out of our group, there will be more men who have done some of the best things. After the start of the seminar in an internal professional group, while emphasizing openness.

Two Fragen and Kinga Golomb, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Where are the experiences of the Workshop “How to Gemeinderätin”?

Politics in the field of politics is no longer obvious for men. If you use the structure and the rules of the game, the men will be traded further. Women act politically differently and are more likely to be involved in the “politics” field and have a healthy relationship. With the Seminar Format “How to Gemeinderätin/Kreisrätin” women are encouraged and helped on their way, which can still influence their political parties and their own ideas. The concrete performance of the theme “Mehrheiten gewinnen” is a classic networking work, the etwa of men in different male communities who are always happy to be cared for. Dadurch, who lives the life of women for a long time in private society and not in the open space, would never be so easy in the netz works.


Abschied von Pforzheims Gleichstellungsbeauftragten: Argumente statt lila Latzhose

Was it necessary to be different, because more women are involved in the communal politics?

What is it, if we know that our political parties want to participate more. It is a good example of politics, an insulting party, a vereinbarkeit in the Lebensalltag of Frauen, a judicial Verteilung der Sorgearbeit switsen de Geschlechtern and nicht jijtzt braucht es auch Quoten, a political Teilhabe von Frauen zu erhöhen. The flexibility of sitting or childcare during the Gremienarbeit is also a way of working. A Wählerschaft is called upon, the man is impressed by Frauen Wählt.

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