
US-Börsen ohne klare Richtung – Debate is a new politics of meaning

US-Börsen ohne klare Richtung – Debate is a new politics of meaning

US-Börsen ohne klare Richtung – Debate is a new politics of meaningThe US-Börsen has had a day off. Zu Handelsende in New York wurde der Dow mit 42.313 Punkten berechnet, 0.3 Prozent höher as am Vortag. The expansion of the S&P 500 to 5,738 points 0.1 percent in minus, the technology stock exchange Nasdaq berechnete to Nasdaq 100 hours Ende to 20,008 points to 0.5 percent lower. If the Monat War is the new political debate topic issue, and in that sense it is an unsatisfactory signal: inflation from the US-Zentralbank Federal Reserve war in August is rising sharply, while the market assessor is struggling with it. The PCE Gesamtpreisindex for personal expenses in August in the common era is 2.2 Prozent zu.

It is the last month of February 2021. The PCE Kernpreis index, the volatile costs of living and energy, remains forecast to reach a value of 2.7 percent in August. Gegenüber dem Vormonat betrug der Anstieg 0.1 Prozent. The European Community War in the Freitagabend was schwächer: One euro costs 1.1164 US dollars, a dollar war is paid for 0.8957 euros. The Goldpreis says it’s good, I’m looking for a profit of 2,652 US dollars (-0.8 Prozent). A price of 76.37 Euro per gramm was paid. The price will be lower than in German: A price of Nordsee-Sorte Brent costs at Freitagabend gegen 22 Uhr deutscher Zeit 72.34 US-Dollar, which were 74 Cent or 1.0 Prozent more as at Schluss des previous Handelstags.

Photo: Wallstreet, über dts Nachrichtenagentur