
Ausbildung mit prägenden Momenten

Ausbildung mit prägenden Momenten

Mosbach. Three years at the Bildungsinstitut für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege der Neckar-Odenwald-Kliniken am Standort Mosbach With opaque analyzes in practice, complex theoretical phases and critical moments, the personal approach to people is not that simple. 13 View the results of the September study in the exam files. These were accomplished with the help of the Zeugnisse and Urkunden. It is one of the few Ausbildungskurs, the generalist after the Pflegeberufegesetz ausgebildet wurde.

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In the valerlei Hinsicht erlebte der Kurs prägende Momente. While knowing the unused settings in the Pflege, of the Geburtshilfe if he has an Einsatz on a Palliativstation, it can be Auszubildenden berooflich and a waste of the Erfahrungen sammeln. Project projects with an “expansion project” or one of the hospitals that support the theory-practice exploration and determine their own identity.

“If you are aware of the fact that you are aware of the fact that you are reacting, you are reflecting. See it again – in your own light. Pflege ist nicht nur a Job, sondern fell more“, concreted the commissary debtor of Aylin Himberger and verdeutlichte as the personal undertaking one of your work in three years.

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Money for the Palliativstation



“Respect” campaign started


In the emotional film Weise, Himberger and Michelle Haller lobbed the Einsatz aller, die een der Ausbildung beteiligt were – Lehrende in der Theorie, Praxisanleiter anyway die Pflegekräfte auf den Stationen. “Pflege is not a job, except that Mr. Haben Sie daher den Mut, sich einzubringen and with Fachwissen and new Ideas Ihren zukünftigen Arbeitsbereich mitzugestalten“, thus Haller. A gift goes to the clinic for the best exams of Helene Bodi, who has a continuous note of 1.0 erreichte.

Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Landrat Dr. Achim Brötel the Absolventinnen for free. “The communal and financial resources are one of the problems that provide one of the answers, but also one of the fascinating things, they are good. After all, it is safe to say that concrete is a good thing in itself, that eight Absolventinnen and the Neckar-Odenwald-Kliniken are available. The comment from Pflegedienstleiter Kurt Böhrer reads: “It is a Freude, I am one of my teams who would like to stay.”

Geschäftsführer Harald Löffler, Mosbach’s Oberbürgermeister-Stellvertreter Georg Nelius and Betriebsratsvorsitzender Simon Schreiweis fanden ebenfalls wertschätzende Worte für die Absolventinnen. Before this starts, there’s a new Abschnitt in his life. Gerade at a time, in the industry for large reausforderungen, is from a qualified large-scale consumer. The Bildungsinstituut voor Gesundheits- en Krankenpflege and the Neckar-Odenwald-Kliniken help the Auszubildendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendendenden. The individual interests of individual buyers were informed of the Ausbildungszeit, so in the background of the life snakes one’s own career learned to become active, so the Redner.

Die Absolventinnen der Abschlussklasse 2024 since Joelle Naima Alexander, Helene Anne Bodi, Selam Gerezgiher, Irine Janette Hasenbein, Anja Kittstein, Faye Lieb, Carolin Matt, Estelle Natacha Nanmoudjeu Njatchou, Rina Osadcenco, Josephin Tabea Schottmüller, Antonia Schüßler, Alina Wegele (Träger der practical Ausbildung: Ambulanter Pflegedienst Hand in Hand GmbH), Madeleine Wild.