
SPD party tag: Bätzing-Lichtenthäler soll RLP-Landeschefin

Wechsel an der Parteispitze der Rijnland-Pfälzischen SPD – auf a partytag in Mainz soll heute Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler zur new Landesvorsitzenden gewählt.

“I have a Bock, the Landesvorsitz am Samstag zu übernehmen,” says Bätzing-Lichtenthäler in the Vorfeld of the other parties. The 49th anniversary party from the Westerwald, the SPD faction in the Diet, has not put up a single candidate. They will be nominated in June for the Landesvorstand as Nachfolgerin von Roger Lewentz.

Erste Frau und der Spitze der SPD in RLP

As the Parteitag Bätzing-Lichtenthäler wie erwartet, he is the first Frau and the Spitze of the SPD in Rhineland-Palatinate. Ausgestattet with a power filling that will not last for a long time in the Landes-SPD. It takes 30 years for the factions and parties of social democracy to lie together. The war between Kurt Beck 1993/1994 der Fall.


Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler and Alexander Schweitzer are new strong figures in the Rhineland-Palatinate SPD.

Gemeinsame Vorstellung met designiertem MP Schweitzer
Skilled SPD chief Bätzing-Lichtenthäler will “Mittendrin-Partei”

The SPD in Rhineland-Palatinate is looking ahead for a generation. We found both Neuen, Alexander Schweitzer and Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler, who feel like other Hasen.

Actual um 12

SWR1 Rhineland-Palatinate

More Tiktok and the SPD base are starting to work

A Soul, the Bätzing-Lichtenthäler has fulfilled the basics of the most important parts of the task. If you have knowledge of the know-how and idea of ​​the part flights to start and tie the basics more to woolen. During the month, the designation of the state law has swept through the country, and one of those processes is being carried out. Among other things, at 30 it is true that people “have knowledge of social democracy”.

As party chief, Bätzing-Lichtenthäler will promote the professionalization of the SPD on the internet and on social media – especially on Tiktok. “We’ll be happy with Tiktok as soon as we see it.” It may take a long time, but at Tiktok it will take longer, so Bätzing-Lichtenthäler with Blick on the big Reichsweiten, the AfD on the platform can develop. The SPD muse also be like, share and spread of Reels, Links and Clips disziplinierter and more active.

Lewentz said he was equipped with “Staffelübergaben”.

Separating country chiefs Lewentz says they are part of the Mainzer Rheingoldhalle with the party’s new party. After the Prime Minister of Malu Dreyer ended up with Alexander Schweitzer, he is now the second heir of Staffelbergabe with the Landesvorsitz. That may be the case, if he has “one thing, a friendship and a professional experience”, so Lewentz, the Amt of the SPD Landschefs, has taken over power for a year.


Roger Lewentz

I am Porträt
Umschwung and SPD-Spitze in RLP: Lewentz tritt ab

There was a long time by the Krisenmanager of the Landesregierung: Roger Lewentz. But in Autumn 2022 we will be there as an Interior Minister. As Landeschef wurde in 2023 wiedergewählt – non kündigt is seinen Rückzug an.

SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz


Sven Teuber enchanted his stellvertreter posts

The Bätzing-Lichtenthäler has chosen a strategic country setting, while the posts on the partition are being reassigned. The Landtagsabgeordnete Sven Teuber from Trier is a candidate for das Amt.

The SPD was already 320 delegated in Mainz, Mr. Dreyer, Beck and Rudolf Scharpten the SPD Federal President Lars Klingbeil, who made a short stop. Der Parteitag steht under der Überschrift “Unsere Tradition: Zukunft!”