
Retter in der Not: Dortmund feert «Winnertype» Guirassy

Retter in der Not: Dortmund feert «Winnertype» Guirassy

The end of the Zitterpartie was one of the things we wanted to do, because we are grateful. A Dortmund professional with the other players Match winner Serhou Guirassy with the best 4:2 (1:2) wins the VfL Bochum or wins the victory over the Schulter.

If there is a double pack in the black Trikot, the nose brings part of the BVB inside littler Tage for the next Wirkungstreffer. “There is a winner type,” said Torhüter Gregor Kobel. A BVB-Kapitän Emre can process a large amount of water in the little ones with: »Serhou ist super.«

In the summer of 18 million euros, Torjägers were required to pay more than 18 million euros to the BVB. If the Sahin team now has a Tage after the desolate Auftritt in Stuttgart (1:5), the small Revierderby against Bochum will be achieved in the 21. Minutes with 0:2 in Rückstand geriet, might be unmuted on the Rängen breit.

Lohnende investment

Zur Freude von Trainer Nuri Sahin erwies sich Guirassy als Retter in der Not. With two hits (44./75. minute) and a herausgeholten Elfmeter, the Can (61.) has certainly been lost, which is the biggest advantage of the inheritance follow-up. »Wir since all sehr glücklich, there is one thing. If it is no longer the case, who has the power, it is the case that the Sahin exceeds the great Ehrgeiz and the manly servitude of the ehemalige Stuttgarters.

While a knee injury spent the weeklong Zwangspause zu Saisonbeginn, the Nationalspieler Guineas niece from the Tritt. With four Towers in the first four Pflichtspielen there is a new way of investing as a good Investition. »There was one thing I found, it was a tribute. There is another player who plays a game – among whom neither became better,” BVB sports director Sebastian Kehl can say.

Bochum dem 3:0 nahe

Dass Torhüter Kobel in the first Freude über die umjubelte Aufholjagd seiner Mannschaft »an überragende Job« testifies to an übertrieben. Schließlich war der bisher reviernachbar aus Bochum nach de Treffern von Matus Bero (16.) und Dani de Wit (21.) sogar dem 3:0 nahe, als Angreifer Myron Boadu (33.) allein auf de gegnerische Tor zulief, aber verzog . “The killer moment was possible,” says Sahin.

If you get an answer to Kobel, continue to break the man’s level at a level that is 0:2, if the ball is white before playing the game. But the trainer keeps himself critical: »Greg has enjoyed our wonderful games. If there’s a Kredit hat here, then eh.«

Respect for Celtic

One of the key moments of the BVB service (9 p.m.) in the new season’s Champions League game is that Celtic Glasgow has played the following matches. Schließlich spielten de Schotten zum Auftakt des nieuw structures Wettbewerbs voor zwei Wochen beim 5:1-Heimsieg gegen Bratislava groß auf und erzielten nor more Tore as der BVB beim 3:0 in Brügge. »Diesen Gegner does not dare to go any further,« warned Abwehrspieler Waldemar Anton, »if we bring our unsere Basics to the Platz, that is one thing, this is a good game.«

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