
Quick minute for Furrer: “Sicher ins Ziel kommen”: WM-Rennen der Frauen startedet

Quick minute for Furrer: “Sicher ins Ziel kommen”: WM-Rennen der Frauen startedet

The women’s WM racing has started in Zurich’s future. This is a brief minute in thoughts and the storbene Muriel Furrer.

A day after the Tod von Muriel Furrer has started the Frauen-Rennen at the Straßenrad-WM in Zurich. Before you quickly get to 200 Fahrerinnen in Uster on the Strecke, take a Schweigeminute in Gedenk en Furrer.

The Schweizer team has put the Platz on the front row, the Fahrerinnen are ready, an athlete branch in Tränen aus. The 18th year that the Schweizerin war started in the Freitag in the Verletzungen, died of a Sturz in Juniorinnen-Rennen in the Donnerstag. The Schweizer Team thrives on the field after their neutrals Start one.

Niedermaier: “Wichtig, mit Respect zu fahren”

During the Dauerregen War the theme of Security is omnipresent. “It is important that you take your fahren into account, and that you are not afraid and will be different,” says German Medaillenanwärterin Antonia Niedermaier. “If it is all sensible, you will be sure to come and stay healthy. It is the greatest Soul of Allen, that is a real passion.”

Die Fahrerinnen müssen 154.1 Kilometers absolvier. The spine in the Alltag fell after the aim of Tod Furrer’s schwer. “It is very threatening. Of course, it may be that the people who have received their Unfall come together. “Man must be grateful for those grateful positive thoughts,” said Franziska Koch and with great care: “It is still a matter of storage and not in the absence.”

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Straßenrad-WM in Zurich