
more serious patients in the South of the Netherlands

more serious patients in the South of the Netherlands

The Hurrikan Helene, which aired in Florida and was sold in the Southern US state, was 44th of the most successful. If the Sturm places high demands on the situation and the home user, it is advisable to start urgent missions, um Persons who tend to treat the previous laundries once.

While the Verstorbenen three Feuerwehrleute, a Frau with another Monat alten Zwillingen and an 89-year-old Frau, die, like a Baum on his Haus field. A call was made by the Associated Press to report the Todesfall in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

The category 4 hurricane has disrupted the Krankenhäuser power supply in southern Georgia. Governor Brian Kemp acknowledges, that the Rettungsdienste Kettensägen must be set up, a Trümmer zu räumen and Straßen wieder zu öffnen. The Donnerstag hurricane passes into the coastal regions of Florida’s Big Bend region, reaching maximum wind speeds of 140 mph (225 km/h).

Moody’s Analytics estimates that the stock markets are lying between $15 and $26 billion. The Zerstörung is about a hundred kilometers after Norden in Nordosten of Tennessee, with statistics of the state operations, after 54 people were evacuated across the border from the Unicoi County Hospital to the Dach of the Unicoi County Hospital. Glücklicherweise would be rettet jeder, and the price of Ballad Health were in the Freitagnachmittag keine Patients more in the Krankenhaus.

In North Carolina it is great to see that the movie “Dirty Dancing” has been seen, the dams and the flight of the evacuation in the most popular city, while the Behörden are being watched, but there is not a single Dammbruchs file available. In Newport, Tennessee, a city with about 7,000 inhabitants, evacuation roads fanned out. Thinking about a nearby Damm-statt, where the best war takes place, that is a war.

Tornadoes are caused by a single region, which is being destroyed by four people in Nash County, North Carolina.

Atlanta has received a record of 28.24 Zentimetern Rain within a period of 48 – the highest Niederschlagsmenge and two other follow-up days since the beginning of the Aufzeichnungen in Jahr 1878. These exceeded the previous record of 24.36 cm, which was established in 1886. In grim city streets, the Dächer von Autos über der Wasserlinie were visible.

Experts who consider the climbing wall as a factor, as Helen’s flow intensifies, are quickly dying out in the warm water flow.

In Pinellas County, Florida, all the victims were forced to evacuate in order to evacuate. Sheriff Bob Gualtieri noted that a few individuals had been blamed for the air in the Dachböden, such an event, one of the precursors to the washer. There is a warning that the Zahl der Todesopfer-steeigen kan, de Rettungsteams weiterhin von Tür zu Tür in überfluteten Gebieten work.

Zusätzliche Todesfälle were reported in Georgia and the Carolinas, there was a Feuerwehrleute in South Carolina and a Feuerwehrmann from Georgia, which started as a big flight.

Videos in social media watch stormy rainfall and Fassaden, which in Perry, Florida, were abgerissen, after the Ort, wo der Hurrikan landete. A message from a nachrichtenstation reports about one of the most recent Haus, where more Gemeinden Ausgangssperren verhängten are.

In Perry, the Sturm will appear on a new installation in a Kirche, which will become war after Hurricane Idalia a year later.

President Joe Biden has carried out his overfishing mission and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) leadership has traveled to the affected areas. The agent puts an amount of 1,500 on a day, which tomorrow will be 400 Rettungen halves.

In Tampa there was a Orte nur mit dem Boot erreichbar. The lines that are drawn the first time, a Hilfe of the rufen, during the flooding of the water, which can be gefährlich, falling streams, water, scharfer gegenstands and drummers.

While there were more than 3 million Haushalte unternehmen in Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas in Strom, Stromausfälle in Ohio and Indiana were reported to be dealt with by Helene’s rapid northern movement.

In Georgia, a defense group reported catastrophes in Schäden en der Strominfrastruktur, where 100 high-voltage lines had been hit. Beamte aus South Carolina, more than 40% of the students were present and the teams were there to choose from, they would be able to see their progress, and they would be able to take turns.

The Hurrikan country is located after the Mundung des Aucilla-Flusses, about 30 kilometers northwest of the Ortes, where the Hurrikan Idalia meets in a year with a greater intensity. The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is proud to say hello to Helene, Idalia and Hurrikan Debby, together with his most special shows.

After landfall, Helena becomes a tropical storm and then a post-tropical Zyklon. Dennoch continues with a catastrophic exceedance, which will mean some of the rain will last longer. Wettervorhersager warned that the exceedances in North Carolina Levels were erreichen, which would not last for a year, was Evakuierungen and the Schließung von etwa 300 Straßen in Bundesstaat zur Folge hatte. The Connecticut Army National Guard is one of the hubs of the Unterstützung.

Debts and universities have seen the United States, while the Flughäfen in Florida were the roads of the Sturms geschlossen, and the Freitag is still going on. Verkehrsbeamte started with the inspection of Brücken and Küstenstraßen entlang der Golfküste.