
Stadt will retten Donaustöre

Two of these things can be done in the Donau more often. One of the four working areas of Sterlet, Waxdick, Sternhausen and Hausen is now a swinging inflation station aimed at the former Steintransportschiff “MS Negrelli”.

On the 64 m long and zehne m knitting Schiff sollen Jungfische auffwicken and anschließend in unterschiedliche Donauabschnitte asuswildert. While the clearing of a number of living generations continues, the population in the Danube is stabilized, while the conditions in the free Wildbahn become erholung by the natural fortpflanzung zlassen.

Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Projectpartner

The “LIFE-Boat 4 Sturgeon” project is a source of funding for the EU and is a partnership between the City of Wien, the Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), the Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Regions and Wasserwirtschaft and the Wasserstraßenbetreiber “viadonau”, der das Schiff zur Verfügung stellt.

Umbauarbeiten an der MS Negrelli


Aktuell is the evil Steintransportschiff “MS Negrelli” for the treat as an inflation station.

The Magistratsabteilung 45 – Wiener Gewässer is a project partner responsible for the construction of the Schiffsan Legation and the Danube with infrastructure. As the concrete foundation, a stable Zugangsbrücke, Strom- und Fischwasserzufuhr, the Errichtung a Brunnens and gepflasterte Zufahrtswege. The gestational age is determined by Mitte Jänner.

240,000 Stores available for sale and for sale

For the destruction of the “MS Negrelli”, the “LIFE-Sterlet” would amount to a storage capacity of more than 240,000 in a disposal container for the information about the city of experts and experts of the BOKU that is expanded and exploited in the wild. After the MA 45, which is available for the Vorgängerprojekt „LIFE-Sterlet“, the following can be done.

Stadträtin Ulli Sima (SPÖ) considers the development project as heritage history and concrete: “The active project is the largest Schritt zum Schutz von bedrohten Störarten in the Donau.”

Auch über österreichische Grenzen hinaus

Until 2030, the project partner plans more material for file management, the establishment of the inflation station and the Danube Stallt now the first Schritt. All these cross-border activities are as simple as possible, with a station on the Muttertieren in Koros in Ungarn and an inflatable container in the background of the wall in Slovakia.

One of the most common is that there are genetically modified Muttertierbestände from Donaulinien that reflect the reproduction, sighing and wildunging of jungle fish at the new standard of technology. It is wise to start by washing and overloading the free Wildbahn.