
Burgerlokal – Neue „Talstation“ an der B 4 in Ravelsbach with Probetag

Burgerlokal – Neue „Talstation“ an der B 4 in Ravelsbach with Probetag

I will leave Donnerstag in September with Gerhard Holczmann das first Mal signal new Burgerlokal “Talstation” in Ravelsbach an der B 4 auf. “We are happy to have a trial and experience, which will result in adaptation work,” is the explanation given by the Besitzer. An official mandate is granted in three weeks soll das “Beisl”. For the experience of the disco, if I get the hints of the expected experiences, another month is not helpful.

Holczmann, from Tischler ist, is focused on local specialization. If there is a rundgang with the NÖN in the discoräumlichkeiten man, it is not even the case that it has happened. Das Obergeschoß, also called “Bird’s Nest”, can be with a beef Bar in the Mitte and a Tanzfläche Holczmann in an Art Après-Ski Bar. There is a part of the disco with the bigger tanzfläche that is as good as the war is over.

Große Pläne: Karibikflair, Eis and Ravelsbacher Musikgarten

Holczmann performs for the Disco of the Name “Ravelsbacher Club B 4” for. Früher is his “Ballegro” or landläufig nur “Zum Schram”. However, we will continue to make progress at the Beisl „Talstation.“ Burger and Chicken Wings are served here. “I would like to offer small changes to the landscape,” according to the 64-year-old Geschäftsmann. In the summer factory Holczmann, a “Beach zone” with Karibikflair and Eissalon runs a local on the “Vierer-Bundesstraße” on display.

„That is our life, sofern and those who deserve it“, said Holczmann. You will certainly be able to enjoy the “Ravelsbacher Musikgarten” between 10 and 1 o’clock. “We will be playing Schlagerparade und Austropop games,” informs Holczmann. Nebenbei can be eaten at a Flohmarkt. “Damned is an Ausflugsziel for the whole family.”

If all goes well, Gerhard Holczmann will not be a personal gastronomy for the Beisl, but in October the time will come.

Neues Lokal an der B 4 in Ravelsbach

Hat fell to: Gerhard Holczmann.

Sylvia Stark