
Lottstetten: Gasthof „Kranz“: A heritage from Fortschritt und Tradition

Lottstetten: Gasthof „Kranz“: A heritage from Fortschritt und Tradition

The Gasthaus in the “Kranz” is located in the kitchen of the Nacker vineyard, and the man can enjoy the time here in the post-Karten idyllic village – but weit experience it. Here, at the end of the Jestetter Zipfels, you will find a restaurant that promotes tradition and modern tradition and the long duration of its status as an insider tip. Was this the long-term secret of the inn in the “Kranz” in the Lottstettener Ortsteil Nack?

Seit 255 Jahren im Besitz der Familie Rieger

Since the year 1769, also since the year 255, is the birth of the family of Rieger. Damals, so jedenfalls die Quellen, hatted Martin Rieger of the Anwesen victory, the seinerzeit schon a Schankerlaubnis hatte. Vermutlich bestht der “Kranz” in Nack schon was longer, but genaue Aufschlüsse bleiben im Nebel der Vergangenheit hidden.

Actually, Josef Rieger (1802–1884) took over the responsibility for the “Kranz” in 1835. The guest house plays freely now in a Nebenrolle, the Riegers were Winzer, the natural way of life in their own local environment. In Zeiten des Vormärz (Märzrevolution 1848) were Gasthäuser die Orte des politischen Diskurses. So it is not the case that in the Nacker “Kranz” political power and power – whoever others have – can be attacked at the center of the verbal attack on the undemocratic state of affairs.

Die Ahnen im Foyer des Gasthofs: Josef Rieger, Fridolin Rieger, Rudolf Rieger, Ernst Rieger and Rudolf Rieger jun.

Die Ahnen im Foyer des Gasthofs: Josef Rieger, Fridolin Rieger, Rudolf Rieger, Ernst Rieger and Rudolf Rieger jun. | Image: Ralf Göhrig

As major of the Bürgerwehr and the Teilnehmer during the Revolution, Josef Rieger is said to have had to spend his entire working life in the year 1850. Dieses Urteil said, welchen Stellenwert Wirtsleute Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts hatten, denn Arbeitshäuser serve in erster Linie dazu, Obdachlosen, Landstreichern and “arbeitsscheuem Gesindel” den Weg vom Müßiggang zur Rechtschaffenheit zu weisen. Anyway, Josef Rieger and der „Kranz“ happened to this time and in the 1870s the Zepter went to make a seinen Sohn Fridolin (1844–1929) of the Land- and Gastwirtschaft fortan führte.

The other Gasthaus zum Kranz for the first Brand. The completion took place in 1910.

The other Gasthaus zum Kranz for the first Brand. The completion took place in 1910. | Image: Archiv Kranz

After the Jahrhundertwende übernahm dessen Sohn Rudolf Rieger (1879–1917) with the “Kranz”. At the end of the first world war experiences of the Rieger family and the “Kranz” new times; Rudolf Rieger died in February 1917 and for a year he broke through the Gasthof ab.

Der Gasthof Kranz nach dem Wiederaufbau in de 1920-Jahren.

Der Gasthof Kranz nach dem Wiederaufbau in de 1920-Jahren. | Image: Archiv Kranz

Rudolf Riegers Witwe, Melida, built the Gasthaus wieder auf and damit wurde der Grundstein for the heutigen Erfolg laid. 1922 heiress Melida ihren Schwager Ernst Rieger (1883–1959) and führte with his sisters das Lokal by Rudolf Rieger jun. (1905–1973) übernahm. There was war in the 20th century. Jahrhunderts für de Weinbau und de Gastwirtschaft verantwortlich en übergab de traditional Betrieb dann en seinen Sohn Theo Rieger (1939–2022).

Der Kranz in the 1960s, for the two Brand.

Der Kranz in the 1960s, for the two Brand. | Image: Archiv Kranz

In the year 1968, the Gebäude erneut in Flammen auf. Das Feuer vernichte de Ökonomie-Teil. Jetzt stand der “Kranz”wirt Theo Rieger voor een schweren Entscheidung – Landwirtschaft or Gastwirtschaft? Theo entschied sich für Letzteres, baute mit signaler Frau Hilde de Gasthof wieder und fuhrte in die sour Spitze der Regio. We are still very fond of the local wine, but after 50 years the Schwerpunkt is ready with the end of gastronomy.

From the 1990s onwards, the Zurich Airport Region (FRZ), the network for economics, science and politics in the Zurich Airport Region, the “Kranz” in Nack. The end of the phase of the FRZ in a short period of all pedigree, which took place at the end of 1998, wieder the Family Rieger das Zepter übernehme.

Inneneinrichtung in the 1950s.

Inneneinrichtung in the 1950s. | Image: Archiv Kranz

“I would be very happy,” said Gerd Saremba, “if the other side of my life, with that short letter in hand, was in the “Kranz”. “The war was a fulminant Neustart and for Gerd Saremba a recovery. After looking at the ambition of Saremba is Lehr- und Wanderjahre in Namhaften Hotel kitchens, beispielsweise in the Grand Hotel Palace in St. Moritz and in the Grand Hotel Dolder in Zurich.

There was a war going on in Mosimann’s in London, if I saw a fragment of Onkel, while Nack might come, a “Kranz” of the world. Seine Mutter, Renate Saremba, unterstützte ihn bij dieser Entscheidung. Theo has been fighting a long war in the Gasthaus with his brothers and war in the Anfangszeiten, who is the Rieger family, a great Unterstützung at Neuanfang des Gasthofs zum “Kranz”.

Theo Rieger

Theo Rieger | Image: Gasthaus Kranz

Since 25 years Gerd Saremba and his life together Manuela Fritz have entered the family tradition fortress, the common Sohn Leon was born in 2001. But for the local tradition, there is no stillness, without further transition. The gold plating is no longer for the kitchen, but for the atmosphere. The chic of the 1970s-war in the 2000s was not so long ago, and so in 2011 the kitchen was remodeled and the Speisesäle renovation took place for three years.

Manuela Fritz and Gerd Saremba are leading the Kranz for 25 years.

Manuela Fritz and Gerd Saremba are leading the Kranz for 25 years. | Image: Gasthaus Kranz

The historical Bausubstanz is still alive and well. While other wooden tables and deck beams are heated in a warm period, the benches with the noble in the gleichen-farbton are cared for, appropriately new living room and the other eichenholzdecke in Nebenraum are freshened by Sandstrahlen. The other Klinkerboden have passed through the Eichenparket, with the other harmonious Kachelofen.

Platz für die Geschichte

The Empfang and Thekenbereich war that has undergone the great herausforderung must be completed. Make sure there are no details. Man entschloss itself, diesen Bereich loosest vom Restaurant zu trachtachten. It is a modern Cube with nussbaumvertäfelung, mirrored walls refer to the glass plates, granite plates and a ceiling in zement optik.

It could be interesting


Wenn Art Boundaries jumped

Left: Künstler and Gäste in front of the Künstlerhaus Anra in Lottstetten. Photo: Ingrid Ploss

The fact that the Holztäfer Aussparungen for the Ahnengalerie was created – and the Platz was created for the History – was not yet the Tradition des Hauses unterstreicht.