
Politics: Drohende Angriffe: Israel is forcing people to flee in Lebanon

Politics: Drohende Angriffe: Israel is forcing people to flee in Lebanon

A family, who is after the Israeli Air Force from the southern Vorort von Beirut, is in the air at the Märtyrerplatz in Beirut. Photo: Marwan Naamani/dpa
A family, who is after the Israeli Air Force from the southern Vorort von Beirut, is in the air at the Märtyrerplatz in Beirut. Photo: Marwan Naamani/dpa


The Israeli army has visited the people in the area of ​​Lebanon, the history of the Hisbollah-Einrichtungen has begun and the fact is that we have become more certain. The gilded warning for the residents of the Bekaa-Ebene in the east of the countries, for the southern Vororten of the Hauptstadt Beirut and for southern Lebanon, which is in an exuberant atmosphere, is an Israeli military speech in Arabic language.

If you are concerned with checking the history of the history of history, it is not possible for the history of history to be consumed.

Solche evacuation of the military battle is generally an announcement for a new Israeli fear. Bereits am Mittwoch, the Israeli army issued a specific warning for the southern Vororte von Beirut. Daraufhin kam es zu mehreren in der Gegend, die als Hochburg der proiranischen Hisbollah-Miliz gilded.