
Ur-Panda in Tongrube im Allgäu entdeckt

Ur-Panda in Tongrube im Allgäu entdeckt

As a spectacle fund in the »Hammerschmiede« in the Allgäu-wurden in the year 2019 The skeleton of the people “Udo” may have been financed 11.6 million years ago. Get started with research into the best pandas.

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Some twin funded by the name Kretzoiarctos beatrix is ​​said to be used as a relative of the modern giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). The Form and Gestalt blessing are more sensitive to the Chinese Bears.

These are very suitable for use at Bambus. The Ernährung of the Ur-Pandas is one of the most diverse costs of Braunbaren every day. The message is an international research team from Hamburg, Frankfurt, Madrid and Valencia under the leadership of Madelaine Böhme vom Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the Universität Tübingen in Fachblatt »Papers in Paleontology«.

The Ur-Panda War is smaller than modern Braunbaren, but over 100 kilograms. »The current large pandas are heard in the zoological system of the Fleischfressern. The result is that it is located outside Pflanzen. If you care about the question of whether Bambus is special, message Prime Minister Nikolaos Kargopoulos.

The Ernährung des Bären aus der Grube in Pforzen (Ostallgäu Country District) is as well as colorful as additional files. “That great effort is one of many developments in the evolution of livestock and the development of veganism in the big pandas,” Böhme said. »Kretzoiarctos beatrix, de älstenen Großen Pandas, were demnach Generalists. A specialization in the study of pandas took place for the first time in their evolution.«

»Hammerschmiede«: a Schatz für Forscher

If the Panda is in the group, there are 27 other well-founded messages, messages in the Fachblatt »Geobios«. “It’s a modern lifestyle with a lot of art,” said Böhme. This dangerous situation, the system is very functional. There’s an art to preserving her files, but they won’t be as well protected, so the Forscherin. Ur-Panda-Überreste wurden zu vor schon unter alles in Spanien entdeckt.

Learn more about your natural history since 2011. These efforts have been made to support the recovery of fossils and natural resources. Herausragend war der Fund von fossilen Remainen des Menschenaffen »Udo« (Danuvius guggenmosi), der Annahmen zur Entwicklung des aufrechts Bendes infrage gestellt hatte.

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