
Hochschulen – Ideas gegen die Wohnungsnot zum Semesterstart – Bildung

Hochschulen – Ideas gegen die Wohnungsnot zum Semesterstart – Bildung

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The winter semester started on October 1, the first semester was no longer keine Bleibe. Private Anbieter has bought the market, but a new Mikro apartment is no longer possible.

In de Wohnheimen der Studierendenwerke übersteigt Nachfrage das Angebot weiterhin in deutlich, wie een Umfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur ergab. Private WG-Zimmer is often a good alternative, the cost breakthrough is enormous. Was also tons?

Trend zu Microapartments

A marketplace is a private involvement with Studentenwohnheime. Laut a research into the market prospects Savills from the year 2022 will be in the 30 major Universitätsstädten knapp 74,000 private Microapartments für Studierende – Tendenz increasing. Private Offerer proposes demnach bereits 2021 beef 46 Prozent aller Wohnplätze in diesen Städten. Aktuellere Zahlen lie allthings nicht vor.

A Mikroapartments provider mentions “iLive”. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Aalen hat bundesweit 19 Standorte – in Hesse in Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Offenbach. Since 2024, Haus an der Frankfurter Adickesallee at a university in 1020 Zimmern has been the largest Mikroapartment-Anlage for students throughout Europe, with Manager Daniel Kovac erklärt.

The “iLive” consists of a Lounge with Bar, Tischkicker and Kinoleinwand, more Gardens with Pflanzen, Strand and Hängematten, a Fußballplatz on the Dach and a Hühnerstall im Hof. The natural price: The smallest apartment (18 quadrat meters) costs 865 euros, the largest (43 quadrat meters) 1,230 euros. 400 Zimmer has a good price and less than 400 Euro for the money.

Living together so teuer wie nie

For the smaller money-handling services, the work of housing construction is of study returns – aber das Angebot übersteigt the Nachfrage bei Weitem. The study program in Frankfurt zum Beispiel is bundled for 70,000 students and eight colleges in the Rhine-Main Region and can only accommodate 3,441 residential units.

If you want a room in a private house, you can do this: WG-Zimmer and German college fees for 489 euros in a month, with the Moses Mendelssohn Institut Mitteilte. After Munich (790 Euro) Frankfurt with 680 Euro is the cheapest holiday. Während WGs in Bundesdurchschnitt within a year is now worth 17 Euro, the price in Frankfurt becomes 50 Euro.

WG-Speeddating in Kassel

In Northern Hesse the chance of a Living Place is not so bad: More than 1000 Living Places in Kassel and Witzenhausen are ready for renovation. Wer nicht fündig wird, wird in Nordhessen gut unterstützt.

For the first semester of the study organization of the study work Kassel a WG-Speeddating: “Bei this event brings the study-renden into the conversation and presents WG-taugliche Angebote on a private online-living center,” explains a speaker.

For study abroad services, there is a “Be-Welcome-Türöffner-Service” in Kassel at the contact points. “A student computer can make his telephony useless and not do what he or she wants to do.”

Studi-Hostel in Frankfurt

In the Rhein-Main-Gebiet, living conditions are especially great. This means that there are 70,000 students and eight colleges in the Zuständigkeit des Frankfurter Studierendenwerks. More than 3000 seconds on the list.

Das Studierendenwerk Frankfurt will die Zahl der Plätze aufstocken: In Wiesbaden, a new Wohnheim with 435 Plätzen is being built, a Wohnheim in Frankfurt is being sanitized. “We are very proud of our projects since they have been carefully planned,” said a speaker. “I am a winter semester student who is planning a study hostel in Frankfurt, in the study environment for three months to live in.”

Bettenbörse in Frankfurt

“Viel zu ninige Wohnheimplätze, kaum bezahlbare Wohnungen und WG-Zimmer – de Rahmenbedingungen, um zu zu beginning des Studiums zu find een appropriate Wohnungen, een denkbar schlecht”, weiß der Frankfurter AStA – and came up with the idea of ​​a “Bettenbörse”. While you are researching a home that will add a cheerful touch, you will find a free WG bet or a couch in the living room. “It is now a night or a longer time”, who the organizers are.

Renovate, erweitern, new construction

Zahlreiche Studentenwohnheime has come in the years. In some cases the Häuser were sanitized. Often in the Zuge des Umbaus, such as in Marburg. The Neubau von Wohnheimen is of course more of a Notnauwkeit. “We were active here in the last years,” said a speaker at the Studierendenwerks Marburg. Three new homes were built in the last years in the city, but one day in Planung.

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