
I am Flitzer on the Alm – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

I am Flitzer on the Alm – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

I am Flitzer on the Alm – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung


With Porsche, Ferrari or Lamborghini through South Tyrol. Hotels with better quality Sportwagenvermietungen and Tourentipps an. Is it appropriate to stay with tourism?

by Markus Rufin

Südtirols Tourismus is considered very interesting. The Landschaften are described as natural berries, Hotels are described as Wohlfühloase or Rückzugsort aus. If you want to stay in the country for a year, tourism is still not on the rise. So if the guests of the Gästekarte tourists want to make an animation, the buses and the Bahn can make their travel routes to the right destination. Auch die Anreise sollte im Idealfall with öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln following.

But not all Betriebe follows this Ausrichtung. The South Tyrol is no longer considered a hiking and exploring area, but motorsport enthusiasts see it regularly here.

Südtirols Passe in Motorsports if it was Besonderes. The manly landscape and the Kurvenreichen streets have become their attraction. This art of tourism is very critical. Der Lärm und de Abgase, de Gäste verursachen, verärgern Anrainer. Deshalb would be one of the things that faith thought about in the summer.

The debate on this debate is beyond exploration, but it doesn’t make money. Gar some hotels in Zusammenarbeit with external changes to various tours and or organizing sogar self-events, at the guest with PS-Monstern the Dolomites or other Gegenden erkunden.

Allerdings: The guests never started with their own luxury cars, because they first had a Porsche, a Ferrari or another car. “That is a trend, it will last forever,” said the man at Luxusautovermieter DP Car Rent in Dorf Tirol. “It’s a German guy who sees a sports car and then follows the credible route.”

A trend: hotels are not open. Mittlerweile bieten die Hotels in South Tyrol sogar selbst Sportwagenvermietungen an. If Unternehmen DP Car Rent cooperates with its tourism activities, there are also hotels that offer their own car sales.

So this is the Amonti and Lunaris Wellness Resort. Gleich zwei Luxuskarossen (an electric davon) provides access to the Ahrntaler Hotel and. Inhabitant Herbert Steger explains why the trend is still rückläufig said: “We have had enough years before we started, but the interest is still less. If you have a Porsche Cabriot, there is a problem with the Cabriot-Gefühl.”

Steger steht mit diesem Angebot nicht alleine da. Other hotels such as the Molaris in Mühlbach or the Hotel Castel in Dorf Tirol have good service. Hinzu kommen Betriebe, the Touren organizers.

If all goes well, you can find a solution. If you are concerned about your bet being one of many costs you will incur: “Wir will no longer enjoy the cost of E-Cars for a year. 90 Prozent unserer Gäste fahren aber – geauso wie all South Tyrolean – nor with a Verbrenner.”

If a truck is a white man, then it’s a gamble in South Tyrol, the world of motorsport with motorsport. Gern is the message that this did not happen, with the message from director Raffael Mooswalder: “This is an only bet, it is possible. That may be the case, the salary is a reward. Letztendlich ist de businesswirtschaftliche Entscheidung one of the Betriebes, jeder sollte sich aber seriouslyhaft de Frage set, about the business and tourism policy in the current time of the right Ansatz ist.”

Gleichzeitig remembers Mooswalder daran, dass der Tourismus aber nicht der alleinige Verkehrsverursacher sei. Dennoch is the sector that has been foreclosed will be one of the key ways to open up the sector and use the resources that are kept to a minimum.

Photo(s): © and/oder/mit © Archiv Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung GmbH (sofern kein Hinweis vorhanden)