
So take care of yourself for Corona and Grippe

Forscher des Brigham and Women’s Hospital If there is a nasal spray, it is gel on the inside of the nose and so high that it binds and abtötet the virus. The gel stops celebrating, and it takes so long, it’s been a while. Selbst das Corona-Virus hat keine Chance, sich via Nase im Körper breitzumachen. Bisher ist das Spray allergies can now be a problem.

Symbolic image of Thorsten Frenzel /

Entwickler Jeffrey Karp is confident that he works with people. Since no clinical tests have been conducted, it is worth doing this. “The Covid pandemic that was once viewed, was Atemwegserreger in kürzester Zeit anrichten können. Diese Bedrohung is not verschwunden”, unterstreicht der Wissenschaftler.

Impffstoffe v Viren können nützlich sein, sind aber nicht perfekt. Geimpfte Menschen infizieren themselves and overshadow the insanity of others. Masking is a bonus, but not more than 100 percent effective. If you have a leaky situation, and most people are not exactly or not clearly visible. “We have new, more positive aspects that will help us to reduce the risk of illness and reduce the risk of illness,” says Karp.

Most Viren are dependent on the Nase in the human body. If you experience an airborne infection with the grip or the COVID-19 attack, you can get the error with a sudden flüssigkeitströpfchen. Healthy people in the circulation can inspect these erregerhaltige Tröpfchen, who inspect themselves in the Nase festzen and the Zellen, who ausk the Nasengänge.

A mistake may have been made and may be in the air, like a sick person, but he is not that bad, not anymore, laughs, sings or nur atmet. Days are now new Spray halves. “A drug-free formula has been created that blocks the Keime on three art blocks: If an artful Matrix disrupts the Tröpfchen once, time is immobilized and neutralized, preventing infections,” says Nitin Joshi.

The assistant professor of anesthesiology, Entwickler team, told us that the component of the sprays is contained in others Food and Drug Administration For the satisfaction of people, they have been happy since. It’s a matter of a short generation of sprays.