
Stefan Mross: Demenz-Anxiety

Stefan Mross: Demenz-Anxiety

Stefan Mross: Seine Mutter is a Demenzerkrankt

Everything is as good as possible: Stefan Mross (48) is very fond of the blessing of Eva Luginger (36) as he makes a new Wohnmobil zugelegt. If you are pregnant, it is no longer the case that you are a Dementia-sick Mutter Stefanie (82). You can go to a Tagespflege-Klinik in Traunstein. The old Sohn Klaus (57) no longer has any idea about his house, because he has suffered a trauma. Throughout the day, Stefan Mross talks about the stressful situation, reality shows the glittering TV Kosmos.

My Mama lives in my own world,

so der Moderator in the “Bild” interview. “Wir versuchen, sie zu besuchen, so often wie es terminlich bei söglich ist.” Dann ist die Welt mal kurz in Ordnung. “If we have more than one mother, then we will have a nice fresh meal. And then we will not be able to eat it. That’s great, and it is super good.”

Stefan Mross: A wiser change is the wisest

Press the Moderator for more information. “We listen to my mother and we are happy now, hinterfragen auch nicht alles. She always travels to a Witz! That’s my life.” erzählt there. Stefans Auserwählte Eva has a good dream for Stefanie. “Mama is still Freude, as you can see. Demenz is a theme in our family. And Evas Oma is the Krankheit we have written, and will tell us that we can do more with the Krankheit.”

Stefan Mross: “A small amount of time was unsatisfactory”

If both are the best choice, the pair is best. “Keiner weiß, was uns mal im Alter vorsteht. Aber Rücksicht und Verstandnis Braucht are definitive and in jeder Hinsicht with die Krankheitsbild.” Weiß der “Immer wieder sonntags” moderator. The grateful bar is Stefan deshalb seinem Bruder, der sich “so restful with our Mama kümmert” and the Pflegekräften, who meistern the Alltag with signaler Mutter and others Erkrankten: “Es betterifft immer mehr Menschen. Ich habe den größten Respect voor de ‘stillen Helfern’, So I know that I am always alive, that I am happy with those new people.”

Katharina Blaickner’s article appeared in the imprint of 7 TAGE. More exciting Star News is available in the active 7 TAGE! – Jeden Samstag is new on the newsstands.