
McDonald’s Chef Verrät Plane – Deutsch Eigenart lässt ihn verzweifeln

McDonald’s Chef Verrät Plane – Deutsch Eigenart lässt ihn verzweifeln

McDonald’s is the absolute Platzhirsch among the fast-food chains in Germany. Der Burger-Riese from the US demands Burger King, Subway and Co. with a cattle 1,400 Filialen deutlich on the Plätze behind it.

I interview with the “Handelsblatt” force of McDonald’s German boss Mario Federico jetzt a mighty camp fan saga and the competition. If Federico enters a private art of the Germans, this is not the case.

++ McDonald’s shocks with price hammer – and never fails ++

McDonald’s Chef enthüllt große Deutschland-Pläne

Grundsätzlich glaubt der McDonald’s-Deutschlandchef und de Standort in Herzen von Europa. It is not the case that there are reichliche possibilities – under the only way in which the investment in the market as a marker can be carried out. Federicos Kampfansage: “In the last year of our wollen we have 500 new restaurants in Germany, having lived for 30 years.”

Very interesting: Trick 17 at McDonald’s: Dare sollst du beim Drive-in throughout the day

The big plan is an investment volume that cost three billion euros. The money is invested in the new state of affairs. Other things can no longer learn the file location. So 1,000 branches have been modernized in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Deutsche Eigenart Power McDonald’s Sorgen

Damit has been to McDonald’s in Germany in their windows. If you spend some time thinking about the last few years, the fast food chain will no longer be used by the state-owned enterprises. “Viele Deutsche gehen nicht mehr essen”, says Mario Federico on the Punkt.

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A phenomenon that no longer leads to the world in Germany during the Corona-Krise has begun. View the cost of the exploding animals on the Alltag road about the money, a way out. If the price in gastronomy is increased, the energy costs are so high that the Mindestlohn falls in German after it has started.

McDonald’s is looking at the Deutschland location. And so the people in all parts of the Republic became new Citizens of the Boden sprießen.