
Asia hidden Schätze entdecken |

Asia hidden Schätze entdecken |

Thailand and Laos. In a certain region, in the tradition of Asia on the pulsating energy of the energy flow, you will find your journey through Thailand and Laos.

This journey is part of the fascinating culture and landscapes of Thailand and Laos. From the bustling metropolis of Bangkok to the temples and markets of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, the spiritual and natural highlights of Luang Prabang and Vientiane can be experienced as unforgettable moments in the South.


Tag 1: See the night flight from Vienna directly after Bangkok.

Label 2: Willkommen in Bangkok, a fascinating Metropole, connecting modern dynamics with Thai tradition. After the start of the trip, a German tour guide would make a new start with a new Bootsfahrt in the Flusses, which would be a swimming garden and all the life in the city. While enjoying a delicious Thai cocktail and an exclusive, extensive Abendessen in a fried atmosphere.

Label 3: It started with the development of the great palaces and the Emerald Buddhas, followed by Wat Pho and the ending of the Lying Buddha. Then there is a longtail boat trip through Thonburis Cinnamon and the abschliezing of Wat Arun, the funky Türme besonderen at the Sonnenuntergang rundrucken.

Tag 4: It starts with a market development that is damn boring, we started in a tradition by taking advantage of the great opportunities and major market developments. Anschließend besuchen Sie de Eisenbahnmarkt Talaad Rom Hoob, wo Sie beobachten können, wie een Zug knapp an de Ständen vorbeifährt. The day has been with a quiet evening in a renowned restaurant “Nahm”.

The Khantoke Menu in Chiang Mai is traditionally Northern Thailand oriented, but it is often served with cultural dance and music performances in a festive atmosphere.

The Khantoke Menu in Chiang Mai is traditionally Northern Thailand oriented, while being served in a new way, often accompanied by cultural performances and music performances in a festive atmosphere.Beigestellt

Label 5: After the Frühstück flight you will go to Chiang Mai and start with the Temples Wat Prah Singh, Wat Phan Tao, Wat Prasat and the Ruins of Chedi Luang. Take a trip with the electric tuk tuk, discover local specialties and delights in the sun at the sun walk. Der Tag ends in Nimmanhaemin-Bezirk with Burmese groceries and dessert in Food Court.

Tag 6: Using the form of a lone Lanna family continues the tradition within the tradition. If you use Doi-Suthep Temple, you can make a private segment and launch the mornings at the sun walk.

Tag 7: Heute besuchen Sie in the Elephant Rescue Park, where more the Rettung and the Pflege of Elefanten are available, you can see füttern and beim Baden beobachten. I am a genius of the Khantoke Abendessen tradition with northern messages, listen to music and music of Lanna culture.

Label 8: On the way after Chiang Rai you can take a break at Mae Khachan and the iconic Weißen Temple, Wat Rong Khun. If you explore Chiang Rai in the Tuk-Tuk, you will be surprised by the beautiful Golden Glockenturm, such as the statue of King Mengrai and the ghosts of the night.

Wat Rong Khun, the Weiße Temple in Chiang Rai, is influenced by its powerful white facade and artistic symbolism.

Wat Rong Khun, the Weiße Temple in Chiang Rai, is influenced by its powerful white facade and artistic symbolism.Shutterstock

Label 9: Visiting the Akha and Yao hill tribes in the Mae-Chan region, follow the Wat Chedi Luang temple ruins in Chiang Saen. In the Golden Dreieck you will find the Panoramic View of Wat Pu Kao and the Opium Museum. The end of the day in the Grenzstadt Mae Sai, studying the market and the border of Myanmar.

Tag 10: Tomorrow it’s time to see the Laotian border and the feeling in Houei Say an Bord eines Flussschiffs. The end of the Fahrt in the Mekong creates the Landschaft and Leben in the Flussufer. Ben Abend erreichen Sie Pakbeng.

Label 11: It starts with a tuk-tuk ride to a local market and finding the idyllic Villages of Xang Keng Khmus. Then it’s another Nam-Kat-Yola-Pa-Park, where you can take a dense Wälderfahren in the electric car and a hike over Hängebrücken to a hidden waterfall abroad. Make sure you cross nature and hereditary bath breaks before cleaning.

What Xieng Thong is is a source of energy in silent observance and welding the temple in the spiritual energy of Buddhism.

What Xieng Thong is is a source of energy in silent observance and welding the temple in the spiritual energy of Buddhism.Shutterstock

Label 12: The form is always free for a free flight, before taking the train to Luang Prabang after check-out. Enjoy a Street Food dinner at a night market.

Label 13: Der Tag started with the Teilnahme and the Tak-Bat-Zeremonie, at the Mönche Almosen empfangen, followed by a trip to the Morgenmarkt and a Frühstück in the hotel. Am Vormittag erkunden Sie the Temple Vat Visoun, Vat Xieng Thong and the Royal Palace Museum. If you place one of the boots on the Pak-Ou-Höhle, the Buddha statues are venerated.

Label 14: When you visit the Khmu village of Ban Nong Heo, you can leave your country and take a walk through the mountain landscape. Then the Kuang-Sy-Wasserfälle was explored, swim in the natural pools and enjoy a Mittagessen. On the way back you can use the Laos Buffalo Dairy where you can take a farm tour and incur the cost of buffalo products.

Tag 15: Tomorrow you will go to Vientiane and visit Vat Sisaket and Vat Phra Keo Temple, visiting the monumental Stupa Pha That Luang. The Tour ends with one of the Patuxay Triumph Arches, from the Spitze is a final view of the city spirit.

Vientiane combines French colonial architecture with traditional temples and is intended for science enthusiasts with the Patuxay Triumph Arches.

Vientiane combines French colonial architecture with traditional temples and is intended for science enthusiasts with the Patuxay Triumph Arches. Shutterstock

Label 16: After a free form and check-out you can make a reservation with Laotian specialties, before transfer to the flight for the flight to Wien.

Label 17: Ankunft in Vienna.


DZ from 4990 Euro
EZ from 6190 Euro


  • Flight from Wien to Bangkok and return to Vientiane
  • Flight Bangkok – Chiang Mai
  • 14 nights in Hotels of the Gehobenen Mittelklasse and Boutique Hotels incl. Frühstück
  • 7 Mittag and 6 Abendesses
  • All Lighting and Ausflüge incl. Registered
  • Deutschsprachige Reiseleitung


  • Einzigartige combination of culture and. Kulinarik ua Gourmetdinner im 1-Stern-Restaurant Nahm, authentic Khantoke-Dinner u vm
  • Schwimmender Markt and Eisenbahnmarkt
  • Sagenumwobenes Goldenes Dreieck
  • Gemächliche Mekong-Flussfahrt
  • Old Royal City Luang Prabang
  • Franzosisch en Buddhist practices Vientiane


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