
Zukunftsorientierte Personalentwicklung • DIE WIRTSCHAFT KÖLN

Zukunftsorientierte Personalentwicklung • DIE WIRTSCHAFT KÖLN

The GROW Entrepreneurs Club and the INU Innovative University have a great collaboration. Gemeinsam is the partner of both partners, the Mittelständische Wirtschaft in Germany through innovative instruments for their personal, personal bonding and personal qualification. An Academy training and a new study is underway here, where the Mittelpunkt model has a new “Work&Grow-4+1” model. The “Work&Grow-4+1” model is a more individual design that enables a number of modern work models with a bigger picture of the combination. The Schirmherrschaft of the Cooperation, the Study Gang and the Academy of the CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach.

Personal development as an educational factor for the economics of Germany

“Learning to learn in a digital and networked world is one of the things that was created for an increasing market support process,” says Wolfgang Bosbach as director of the new collaboration. The Herausforderung gilded gleichermaßen voor Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber and would effectively address by the Partnerschaft switsen THE GROW and der INU Innovative University.

“Mitarbeiter since the most important benefit of the German economy”

THE GROW is the modern Business Club Europe and strengthens itself as a Matchmaking platform, bringing together the Unternehmen, Investors and Gründer, one in an innovative system that focuses on integration. “Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer, die sich nicht ihrem wertvolllsten Gut, the Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiternen, women, became as such ever more comfortable,” says Bernhard Schindler, Gründer and CEO of THE GROW. Diesem follows the collaboration with the INU Innovative University on the most important Bildungsangebote, which thus emphasizes the personal involvement of the university as well as the legal responsibility of Unternehmen. Take a closer look at these visual images including social, community orientation and ecological aspects and content.

Digital, flexible and adaptable

“The INU Innovative University is a modern online school for the ideal partner, a nachhaltige weiterbildung for the unternehmen and the Mitarbeiter of tomorrow by gewährleisten,” said Schindler. The concept of the INU Innovative University is perfect for THE GROW and the community of Vorhaben, the German middle class is strong.

The “Work&Grow-4+1” model is a revolutionary Ansatz

Another highlight of the collaboration is the “GROWpreneuer” study of the “Work&Grow-4+1” model, an innovative combination with flexible employment conditions and a better representation of the possibilities. These models are light in nature, a 4-day working week with a sister Weiterbildungstag zu vernüpfen. The “Work&Grow-4+1” model is both working and working options with exciting options,” says Bosbach. There has never been a better work-life balance, but there is a healthier lifestyle and qualification.

These models are extremely flexible and less suitable for the specific beds of the outside world. So it may be that the Weiterbildungseinheiten in Zeiten kleiner betrieblicher Auslastung were more intensively genutzt. “The Schlüssel zum Erfolg is the high flexibility of the ‘Work&Grow-4+1’ models in combination with the highly skilled INU Bildung programs and the innovative THE GROW Academy boats, which fall on the practice-relevant basis and its own standard Bildungs ​​app Options eröffnen en passgenaue Lösungen für Eternehmen und Mitarbeiter bieten“, fugt Prof. Dr. Marcus Pradel, Mitbegründer und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender of INU Innovative University, hinzu.

Bildungsangebote voor een zkunftssichere Personalentwicklung

The THE GROW Academy, which starts in Zusammenarbeit with the INU Innovative University, will start on October 1, 2024 with a breiten Portfolio and Bildungsangeboten. Because the high schulzertifizierte Weiterbildungen, Zertifikatskurse especially of the „GROWpreneur-Bachelor“-Studiengang, der speziell for die Bedürfnisse mittelständischer Unternehmen entwickelt, are special. “The innovative study design combines modern scientific knowledge with practice-relevant know-how, continuous study and research to make it profitable,” explains Prof. Dr. Hauke ​​​​Müller-Späth, Research Council and Ebenfalls Mitbegründer of the INU Innovative University.

Zukunftsorientierte Personalentwicklung • DIE WIRTSCHAFT KÖLN

Digital and AI-based

The digital Bildungsprogramma, which has started from THE GROW Academy and the INU in the Ko-operation, will go through a higher interaction, by developing the Einsatz of AI basic tools and an innovative Bildungs-App. “A digitalization concept has developed a new technology that enables innovations that can help education, self-study programs for education and the faster learning process at university,” explain Pradel and Müller-Späth from the INU Innovative University. These modern learning methods are very flexible and adaptable in the learning process.

Lerninhalte aus der Praxis

Die anwendungsorientierten Lerninhalte combines Research and Praxis miteinander. Mitglieder von THE GROW presents itself as tens of the Verfügung and geben ihre Best Practices weiter – with Unterstützung der Wissenschaftler der INU Innovative University. So entstehen relevant learning and a real know-how-transfer between colleges and universities.

Beitrag zur Standortsicherung

Through the collaboration with THE GROW and the INU Innovative University, there is a learning instrument that makes the qualification and bonding of the Mitarbeitern-wirtschaft an educational instrument, which never has the qualification and bonding of the Mitarbeitern basis, but also the attractiveness as Arbeitgeber high. “Flexible Weiterbildungsangebote is interesting and useful options for the security of work places, their personal work environment and also the maintenance of the legal requirements of the workers,” said Wolfgang Bosbach.

For the Jobs of Tomorrow

This Angebot is no longer one of the gegenwärtige activities of the onternehmen-zugeschnitten, under the herausforderungen of Zukunft. “Die Frage, die gild, is: Gibt es die heutigen Jobs und Anforderungsprofile in dieser Form in fun oder zehn Jahren noch?”, Fragment Bernhard Schindler. “With our flexible offer and the ‘Work&Grow-4+1’ model we can increase the possibilities of an oriented option on the labor market.” I have no choice but to take the next step in the economic development of Germany. “We are committed to achieving future growth and future growth,” said Prof. Pradel an.

Offizieller Starts in October 2024

I started the cooperative Bildungsportfolio on October 1, 2024, which started the “GROWpreneur Bachelor” course. Interest from external and private individuals can be used for the various programs at With this collaboration, THE GROW and the INU Innovative University are the new maßstäbe in personal development and are separated from the state of affairs in the German Wirtschaft.

More information can be found at and


  • PK-THE-GROW-INU-Saal: INU-Innovative University
  • PK-THE-GROW-INU-Stage: INU-Innovative University