
Luchs at Tarvis freigelassen –

Luchs at Tarvis freigelassen –

In the New Year of Tarvis (Italian) ist amstag ein Luchsweibchen freelassen be. The sprawl is one of the projects with the basic components in the Alps, while the layer consists of Aussterben.

Unter Blitzlichtgewitter wurde das Luchsweibchen Luna am Samstag in een Wald nahe Tarvis in de gratis Wildbahn entlassen. Carabinieri of Forsteinheit, photographers and journalists are about to run a kafig, while their level is herausschlich, they are new and then changed in the wild.

Ziel von EU-Projekt: Vergrößerung der Luchspopulation

The Katze, which generates a weiblicher Luchs, has been erected for about a year and in a Wildgehege in Thuringia. The Rahmen of the European Wildtier Project “Life Lynx” was brought into the Tarviser Wald. If everything is planned after planning, it will be that a few men will take a few forms and thus increase the possible life force of the great population. Who is now a complete stranger, is in a new life a sour find that the forscher can carry out live broadcasts, it is a matter of a sender’s freigelassen.

Over the years, the Italian-Slovenian border area will become more lush and wild. So those things to do in the Alps have changed. Before one year, one was in Tarvis freigelassene Katze in Kärnten illegal abgeschossen. Karntner und italienische Jägerverbände verurteilten de Abschuss damals.