
Tod von Muriel Furrer (†18) in Kopf

Tod von Muriel Furrer (†18) in Kopf

Tod von Muriel Furrer (†18) in Kopf

Deutsches Radsport-Talent focuses on WM-Rennen in Tränen aus


“I have had this whole time of anxiety,” said the German Radsporter Antonia Niedermaier after the Road Races at the WM in Zurich.

photo alliance / frontal vision | Arne Molen

The sports clubs go to Tod von Muriel Furrer (†18) to Schock.

Deutschlands Radsporthoffnung Antonia Niedermaier (21) setzt der Tod der junior Schweizerin besonders zu. The U23 Weltmeisterin in the Zeitfahren receives a secret tip in the WM-Street Races of the Women in Zurich. Your Leistung can no longer be used – the more you have to think of the young Schweizerin Muriel.

Go to the Wheel and the Soul

Niedermaier focuses on the Rad in Tränen aus, weint auch später im Ziel. “That was really tough mentally. That’s what I can do.”said that the mountain specialists in ZDF später. A further war in the Donnerstag at Juniorinnen-Rennen gestürzt and a Tag später in Folge ihrer schweren Verletzungen gestorben.

Lese-Tipp: Did Muriel Furrer survive alone in the woods and enjoy life?

Due to the recent changes, you will remember your success. “If the Nachricht crest is disrupted, it will probably come to an end. Das went mir sehr nah.” Grund: I was severely disturbed during a year of war during the Giro Donne, when the Slowenin Urska Zigart was abgeräumt. If you are aware of the purpose, a fragment will come out.