
TU Dortmund digitized photography by ehemaliger Vogue chef Angelica Blechschmidt

TU Dortmund digitized photography by ehemaliger Vogue chef Angelica Blechschmidt

Former Vogue chef Angelica Blechschmidt has taken her camaraderie to fashion and industry events. Your photographic data will no longer be archived. Photo: Angelica Blechschmidt / Archives Angelica Blechschmidt, estate represented by Kirsten Landwehr

With more than 180,000 photos, Angelica Blechschmidt, a chef from German Vogue, took the photos and gave hints about the fashion world’s celebration. A team of Dr. Jan C. Watzlawik of the Seminar für Kulturanthropologie des Textilen, wich hän fangreiche “Fashionfotografie: Archiv Angelica Blechschmidt”, known as his own and internationally for the Forschung zugänglich zu machen. The previous study was conducted during the TU Dortmund Young Academy.

It is an important archive for the mode

My small compact room allows the tall Vogue chef actor at fashion and industry events to take a break from filming and the movie airing during the night. “The photographic history of Angelica Blechschmidt is a valuable archive for fashion,” says Dr. Jan C. Watzlawik, Cultural Anthropologist with the Schwerpunkten Materiele Kultur, Museen und Moden.

The team of Dr. Jan C. Watzlaw has analyzed the collected documents of Angelica Blechschmidt, a systematic analysis of the data about what happened. Photo: M:AAB/TU Dortmund

“I have not seen a trend development before, but another document is the cultural business renewal of the industry from the 1980s to the year 2000. The power is one of the most valuable things for art, culture and social science projects .“

Neben ihren Fotos hat Angelica Blechschmidt bis ihrem Ruhestand 2003 auch zahlreiche Dokumente wie Einladungen, Korrespondenzen, Reise- und Schaupläne, Zeitschrift or der Artikelentwürfe gesammelt.

More photography and documentation files need to be inventoried

Since 2018, Angelica Blechschmidt is in her original collaboration with Galeristin Kirsten Landwehr, who passed away as leader for the project with the TU-Wissenschaftler:purchaser. One of the unsorted images and documents for the analysis of the machine, through which the team in a study compiled an existing sub-file and carried out more work processes for the inventory of the erroneous Sammlung.

The Wissenschaftler: I started in the previous study to find a research project for the invention, because it is an empfindlichen negative efficiency in digitalization. Photo: M:AAB/TU Dortmund

You have the Wissenschaftler: you can analyze all available context material and download 580 digital documents. Alicia Jablonski, researcher at the Seminar for Cultural Anthropology of Textiles, explains:

“The documents, with the best scaling and submissions, can make one of the photos – want to know if they can ever be viewed? In combination with the detailed written texts of Angelica Blechschmidt, the collection is systematic and clear.

Documentation de Exklusivität und Trivialität der Modewelt

Based on the mesh structure that the research team contained in the preliminary study, more than 530 photos cannot be categorised. ‘Angelica Blechschmidt has given a creative answer to her photos with the compact chamber and how it cannot be connected to special paper. And although it is a German Sammlung, it will be more like a gratitude or a hobby, said Dr. Watzlawik.

Angelica Blechschmidt’s photographic collection includes 101 boxes, 5,000 photo boxes and 180,000 photographs. Photo: TU Dortmund

“You can see a public interest in the music industry and how you can look in your own column „Flash!“ in Vogue in the open light.”

When analyzing the deletion of data from the team’s collected data, the documents and the documents of the Forschungsgegenstand are heard and were classified as Privates during a Grenze, which does my best and flies.

Jan C. Watzlawik said: “The combination said that one of the exclusive rituals, with an extensive care package for Pariser Fashion shows, was a guest address at the Hôtel Ritz. To others on the page you can use to live your raunchy life is an exclusive document from Zirkels, which is why the middle class now has one of the following controls.”

Nutzungsrechte: Einsatz von KI-Gesichtserkennung planted

Ensure the complete inventory of the legally valid interests of a potential Forschungs- und Lehrdatenbank, which identifies the interests of all persons for the Herausforderung. “In particular, the work involved in the construction work is carried out in such a way that a face can be automatically recognized and welded,” said Alicia Jablonski.

Photo: TU Dortmund

Derzeiten de Wissenschaftler: in een een een Folgeantrag, um in een eenschließenden Forschungsprojekt de vollständigen Bestand wijschaftlich auszuwerten. For the digitization and archiving of the joint collaboration with the team in collaboration with external partners, while the large group can process a large number of negative and documented documents, the inventory and management of rights can be eliminated.

To investigate the photographic data, Dr. Jan C. conducted research into a project development of the TU Dortmund Young Academy. With the program graduated from the graduation center of TU Dortmund, Wissenschaftler:innen promotes in the qualification phase when training three existing Forschungs profiles. Weitere Informationen zum Project find interesting here.

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