
Commentary – Nach Tötung von Nasrallah: Netanyahu warns Iran against Vergeltung

Commentary – Nach Tötung von Nasrallah: Netanyahu warns Iran against Vergeltung

An attempt to reach the Massaker das Hamas in Israel focuses on the demonstration of the Islamists who demonstrate.

Mir gehen these Islamists (Hamas, Hisbollah and whoever heissen) auf die Nerven.

While others do not know us, we know that we do not know that, we have to deal with the West in the West for everything (even if the women are not involved in the Männern unterdrückt), we are recruiting ourselves for the future, we have no interest in the negotiations, we are not interested in the Hand in the West. woolen Hilfe in Bar and jammer, who gets to work himself.

The great farce is that of Iran, the day in the region zündet and the actual situation is likely, the situation of the UN security rat is einfordert.

It is true that there is a lot of conflict in the world, in man an unimportant star, Wirtschaft and culture become in the Steinzeit before… Islamists do not deserve so much brand unity.