
Manipulation through study – Mutmasslich gefälschte Forschungsresultate an der Uni Zürich – News

Manipulation through study – Mutmasslich gefälschte Forschungsresultate an der Uni Zürich – News

  • One of the most prominent scientists of Adriano Aguzzi from the Institute of Neuropathology at the University of Zurich is the Forschungsergebnisse gefälscht haben.
  • The University of Zurich has learned a few things from its own experiences in the market.
  • It is not that years later a difficult task will ensure that no work is done and that in erasing work a number of things are done.

Consider the results of the research microscopic images of the material, which stem from the früheren Untersuchungen, wiederverwendet haben, um de gewünschten Forschungsergebnisse vorzutäuschen,berichtet der «Sonntagsblick». The vermeintlichen Rekenntnisses seien in international Fachzeitschrifts beöffentlicht, schrieb die Zeitung weiter. Der ehemalige Mitarbeiter soll seine Manipulationen mittlerweile zuggeben haben.

Universitätsgebäude with Flaggen der Universität Zürich.

The University of Zurich uses manipulations and studies in Schlagzeilen.


Aguzzi, Head of the Institute for Neuropathology at the University of Zurich and Professor of Neuropathology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich, has corrected more publications or had broader experiences in recent years. If you made a publication a year ago in 2010, no more stories ever appeared that you can use, the content is cleaned up. It is not possible to use two hoses.

Untersuchung lauft

The University of Zurich has taken over part of the survey from Keystone-SDA, which is an unjustified complaint. Welfare publications have been hit by the fallout.

Adriano Aguzzi: Renomirter Wissenschaftler

Clap box
Box suckers



Aguzzi is committed to ensuring that his or her work is successful. So, in 2017, the Belgian King Mathilde was rewarded with 250,000 euros with the Baillet Latour Health Prize for his “rapid research into the neurological examinations carried out by prions”.

About the publications of publications, the fachzeitschrifts in Austausch are separated with the autoren, this will be further. We repeat that the university paths of the skiers have never ended. The college is looking for a good way to erase, but the seriousness and seriousness of it are not great.