
Pon’s Summer is a popular lifestyle game inspired by Japanese culture • JPGAMES.DE

Pon’s Summer is a popular lifestyle game inspired by Japanese culture • JPGAMES.DE

In the context of the Xbox Broadcast for Tokyo Game Show 2024, check out the Japanese Studio Denkiworks with the Möglichkeit, together with Publisher Critical Reflex the new TANUKI: Punch summer anzukundigen. The “Mail Delivery Adventure” will be available on Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PC Steam. Terminology does not apply.

„In Tanuki: Pon’s Summer schlüpfst You in the Pfoten von Pon, a BMX Tanuki on a mission! Enjoy a package with a complete mission for the city’s BewohnerInnen and one of the best mini-games, for Xbox one.

Visions or Mana HPU

With the same money, a big shout for its bicentennial anniversary for repairs. If you play a “classic lifestyle game” inspired by Japanese culture, all alternative groups will. Spielerisch is a game with construction simulation, BMX trick-a-thon and mini-play-abenteuer.

The first trailer:

Image material: Tanuki: Pon’s Summer, Denkiworks