
ZDF-Doku über Wagenknecht – Holy Sahra

ZDF-Doku über Wagenknecht – Holy Sahra

“I am so angry within myself”, have a medium-alterlicher Vollbart- und Zopfträger Auge in Auge with seinem Polit-Idol. Another man says that he is in front of Glück: “I have earned a minute with my time,” says that, and says that it is convenient, with the way the party starts. It is never a fact that it goes like this, when the big lie and part of the Lotto time are hit. It is now a political issue: Sahra Wagenknecht.

“Inside Bündnis Wagenknecht” heißt the ZDF-Dokumentation, the laut Sender “Exclusive Einblicke in das BSW” gewährt, the “Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht”. Neues von besonderer Bedeutung hofährt man dabei nicht. A ZDF team dared to make the first step of the connection for a year. We can use part of the new Kaderpartei with 500 hand lessons with a term of 500 pieces, while De Blik gives hints that the Kulissen may not take a critical look.

From the Hinterbänklerin zur Start-Up-Chefin

The political decision-making with left and right radicals ensures that the ZDF can play a useful series. With a combined length of 178 minutes. A 90-minute Fassung during the month of October from Prime-Time in the ZDF to see; The Series is available in the Media Library. It is a tribute to the Frau, who in his other part of the Linken, establishes the power and the uncontrolled organization, and the Linke ends up empty and wants to change the German Parteiensystem-grundlegende.

Wagenknecht hat erreicht, wasmuch Politiker aspireben: Sie ist eine etablierte politiker “Marke”. If there is nothing more you can do, the aim is to get the sender’s attention, if he is one of the most important political players. It is the fault of the Wagonman and the young person who is shunned in the Series, the due process of law ensures a “seinseitige meinungsbildung” of the burdens of BSW.

The war of Wagenknecht, who visited the Fraktionsvorsitz der Linken in 2019, has still not seen a single hinterbanklerin or wesentlichen Einfluss on the political company. Ohne ihre Dauerpräsenz in the talk shows of ARD and ZDF could be given a chance as a party leader. Jetzt aber – nach beachtlichen Erfolgen bei der Europawahl and three Landtagswahlen in Osten – kann glich in three Ländern CDU and SPD for their return. The entspricht is wonderfully beautiful in nature.

Immer wieder Menschenschlangen

Davon comes into the Documentation not vor. Here Wagenknecht is celebrated as Polit-Star. In the removal of the ZDF, the right to self-determination and involvement with the beach are a party-political start-up in the history of the Bundesrepublik. Dazu is over, the man stands more or less in the following way: Menschenschlangen at the lessons, Menschenschlangen at the Treffen der BSW-Unterstützer. If it is the case that it has never happened that the BSW has started, the consequences for Wagenknecht Wahlkampf could be machen dürfen.

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As long as the passages contain “Standing Ovations” – for the bestseller authorization for the parteiführerin. It is a fact that all Sahra-Verehrers, who are a child, can enter the whole world through their hands. The bottom line is that Glaubenssätze nach dem Muster, when the West of Ukraine is a less Waffen more sweeter, Putin ultimately satisfies his Friedenssehnsucht.

Stellenweise has forwarded the 178-minute “Holy Sahra” information, is considered a bewerber if the BSW-Mitgliedschaft as AfD-Politician from Bremen entlarvt wird. Or who from the BSW is another Die Mitgliedschaft-verwehrt, is in the main board of an AfD-Bürgermeister-arbeitet. That time, when the BSW implementation takes place, it is true that – who is with all parties – the incorrect analyzes also take place, there was no question of unfoundedness and sin. At that time, the Wagenknecht was responsible for the ‘schwierigen Menschen’, who were ‘three parties durch haben’ and ‘destruktiv’. Nun yes: They themselves are aware of SED and PDS/Linke in the written parties. If your ex-Genossen of the Linkspartei are destroyed, this can be for the best.

So the war of Ganze did not stop

In “Inside Bündnis Wagenknecht” journalists and other political experts talk about Wort. More interesting is the discovery of sociologists Steffen Mau, who is intensively engaged in East German knowledge. There is no question of BSW a “Polarisierungs-Unternehmen”, the “Left- and Rechtspopulismus mit Links-Autoritarismus” combination. In particular, the heart is targeted in a limited way with the BSW limitation. Few Mitglieder zu haben, bedeute, Macht und Posten besser verilen zu können: 50 Mitglieder zu bestimmten a Landesliste with 30 Candidates, of the 15 with a mandate could be granted.

An investigation into the Wagenknecht-freundlichen Tendenz manglet is not a critical question about the knowledgeable experts. No questions were asked about the questions in the BSW country context, but Gatte Oskar Lafontaine died. The woman thinks that “das Täschchen” will be rich if she stays at the airport. If Wagenknecht belongs to the Doku car racer, it’s not like he’s robbing himself. Nowadays, there is a bit of a reflection “aus dem Off”. The heart can no longer be tampered with. So the war of Ganze did not stop.

Wagenknecht white, was sent with the ZDF thanks to the hat. So it is worth discovering your own truth if you are sure that your hair in Rosa-Luxemburg-Look is a sour steckt. Were the Tenor of the “Dokumentation” to be carried out, it must be taken into account when the end is completed. The Wagenknecht shouts majestically on a long field road along the horizon. Fehlt nur appropriate die Musik von Udo Lindenberg: „Hinterm Horizont geht’s weiter / ein neuer Tag. Hinterm Horizont immer weiter / zeeammen sind wir grim.”

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Michael Kretschmer