
Message from San Sebastián Film Festival: Pure Fiktion hält nicht more mit

Message from San Sebastián Film Festival: Pure Fiktion hält nicht more mit

The Stierkampf-Doku “Tardes de solidad” became the Goldene Muschel in San Sebastián. It may be that the children are lighter and young in age.

A Spanish Terroro sees his blueprinted Kleidung aus

A Blunt Art: Szene aus “Tardes de soledad” Photo: Festival San Sebastián

Whoever takes care of his Fratze is the Andrés Roca Reys Gesicht, so the power is one of his gegenüber focussiert and the moment, in your wrong Movement, you the smallest one-night together between your lives and Tod separate könnte. The 27-year-old Peruvian is one of the most popular Toreros in Spain, where the Stierkampf nach wie is for the national sport, if he is high-humored.

Director Albert Serra accompanies the Starmatador in portrait film “Tardes de soledad” (zu Deutsch etwa: Nachmittage der Einsamkeit), while at the work in the ring, with the story of the fortunes in the surroundings and with his own entourage in the car on the way to the night Arena.

A compelling, compelling documentation, the heroism of the bull fighters and the beautiful choreography from the night, is a bit exciting with the brutal duels and the tragic leadership of the tiers.

Scheinbar neutral and commentarlos observierend, lässt Serra dem Publikum fell Freiraum, even an image of machen. Finally, the film can be viewed at the festival in San Sebastián at the same time with the price announcement until the end. And the jury only said “Tardes de soledad” with the Golden Muschel for the best beitrag.

It is after the Berlinale in February that Serra has spoken out in the jury and Mati Diops “Dahomey” has seen the A-Festival that year, in the best film that has become a dokumentarische Arbeit, if he is one of the Mitteln des Autorenkinos und duchaus mit Haltung. Do in the Zeiten those who see that pure fiction often not possible.

Verdrängte Gefühle

Go to the program that is 72. Ausgabe im Vorfeld durchau foutsprechend. It may be that the European car racers are nice to the law. Wirklich überzeugend was then very few.

The Zukunft des Kinos in San Sebastián is light and young. The haunting films that the directors have undergone over the years, all from the Spanish Pilar Palomero with their written feature film “Los Destellos” (Die Funken) about a woman who lives in a new life for 15 years after her death.

If you are currently seriously ill, it is wise to act regularly. First, make sure you find your way to your start. A leiser, zärtlicher film has been filmed and the abschiednehmen, ehrlich and unprätentiös.

Who from the Kolleginnen Carla Simón (“Alcarrás – Die letzte Ernte”) and Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren (“20,000 Arten von Bienen”) enjoys the 1980 born Palomero from the films in their entire country, puts great effort into the Geräusche, Textures and small Gesten, which So organic and lebensnah will weld.

My debut ‘Las niñas’ would start in 2020 in the Berlinale section generation, the film ‘La Maternal’ sweet for two years in San Sebastián. Who would be damals, will be the Hauptdarsteller in ausgezeichnet. Patricia López Arnaiz, one of the generation’s interesting dramatists, is a silent Wucht as Isabel, pulling out her favorite film. But “Los Destellos” deserved more.

Various character studies

While the war ‘On Falling’ has not yet ended, the government of the 30-year-old Portuguese dies in Laura Carreira about a young migrant in a treatment center in Schottland, where a job and isolation are obtained after such a bond and who drifts away. Producer of Ken Loach’s Sixteen Films makes a career on the Alltag in the Gig Economy, most didactic and black films at Loach are all different from character studies.

If you see Carreira in the Regiepreis, it is tied with the Argentinian Pedro Martín Calero and the horror film “El llanto” teilte. Useful for the occasion, in seiner Dankesrede and the Situation in seiner Heimat zu erinnern, wo der directing Right-wing populist Javier Milei gerade auch im Kulturbereich marodiert.

The jury prize won by Pamela Anderson and Jamie Lee Curtis’ Schauspiensemble in Gia Coppola’s “The Last Showgirl” began a year later during a Las Vegas Revue show, the day the Karriere ends. A melancholic, not voyeuristic exploration of the world in the industry, with her Pamela Anderson released from the image of the old ex-“Baywatch”-Sexsymbols.

Enjoy the pleasure of François Ozon’s Tragikomödie “Quand vient l’automne” (Wenn der Herbst kommt), there are two Rentnerinnen in Burgund erzählt, deren ruhige Dorfleben unerwartet turbulent world, if they come to terms with my wrong judgments and children auseinandersetzen müssen. How Michelle once looked at her alleinerziehende with a lager-oriented gift, is it more time with a single word for her?

Vom Sterben erzählen

Ozon collaborates with Philippe Piezz for the best Drehbuch model, Pierre Lottin for the best Nebenrolle as from the Haft-entlassener Sohn, the motif in those hakenschlagen is made as clear as the lovely alten Damen.

Ganz exploited the sterben erzählt of the 91-year-old Costa-Gavras in “Le dernier soufflé” (Der letzte Atemzug) über a populären Philosophen und dessen Palliativarzt, die über Care-Arbeit am End des Lebens, würdevolles Abschiednehmen und den Umgang mit dem Tod interrupt . In the more Socratic tradition, the Costa-Gavras is an unfounded idea and meinungen zu Wort kommen, von spiritualität, sterbehilfe and anxiety, which cannot be released.

Von bittere Wahrheiten dealt with ‘Hard Truths’ by the British Altmeisters Mike Leigh, 81, about the three Alltag, a London worker family and the unbanded woman with a Hausfrau and Mutter (Marianne Jean-Baptiste).

Day of the feature debut of the popular documentary filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer (‘The Act of Killing’) quickly with a Wohlfühlkomödie, when in the dystopia musical ‘The End’ the living family in Tilda Swinton began the apocalypse in another bunker in the best Broadway tradition to sing.

A claustrophobic chamber play was nice for the Berliner Edward Berger with his American-British Vatikant thriller “Conclave” after the bestseller by Robert Harris. Done in Rom nor for the Oscars for “Im Westen Nichts Neues”, in essence the Wahl is a new Kirchenoberhaupts after the Tod of the Papstes, abgeschirmt of the Außenwelt, as Mikrokosmos, in itself the common Spaltung of the Gegenwart broader mirrors. Ralph Fiennes died as a Cardinal an Oscar nomination if he swam.

Grosses Staraufgebot

Anyone who watches the Festival here in that year with a constellation is after the pandemic and the Schausspielestreik during the fanatical fanatics on Roten Teppich, an autogram or a selfie on the screen. Alleine drei Ehrenpreise went with Cate Blanchett, Javier Bardem and Pedro Almodóvar. Kein Tag with Hollywood stars, from Johnny Depp and Andrew Garfield to Charlotte Rampling.

There are often categorical analyses, interviews and critical analyzes with the average opinion that are unanswered and lengthy. The international press can promote this decision, while the Monats are active in the United States, protesting rights.