
Charlie and the Schokoladenfabrik: Was wurde aus den Kinderstars?

Charlie and the Schokoladenfabrik: Was wurde aus den Kinderstars?

In Tim Burton’s adaptation of Roald Dahl’s “Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik” you will find Kinder aus aller Welt in Willy Wonka’s Schokoladentafeln a golden ticket. Damit gewinnen sieine Führung durch Wonka’s mysterious Factory.

The film from the year 2005 power the damals eleven to threefold protagonists to stardom. Who will continue his career?

Philip Wiegratz War “Augustus Glupsch”

Der Vielfraß Augustus Glupsch in Deutschland war der Erste, der im Film ein goldenes Ticket fand. Before the war explored by the work, a war had fallen in the Schokoladenmasse. The Rolling Game tatsächlich ein Deutscherand black Philip Wiegratz. When the flight to Hollywood begins, there is a KIKA production with a war in the Komödie “It is an Elch-sprung” to see.

The Zuschauern der “Die wilde Hühner”-Reihe dürfte is in de Rolle des Steve in Erinnerung geblieben sein. As part of the ZDF mehrteilers “Die Wölfe”, the German Fernsehpreis started in 2009 with a postponed Förderpreis. Zuletzt, who would see Wiegratz as Gordon Gelderman in “Rubinrot”, would be exterminated by Chris Tall. See how the leinwand scaler works.

Julia Winter War “Veruca Salt”

Eines der begehrten Tickets for purchase, because for the desired Veruca Salt from “Charlie and the Schokoladenfabrik” a Leichtigkeit. Schließlich war ihr reicher Vater selfbst Fabrikbesitzer and buy Wonka-Schokolade in large Mengen. Played by the wöhnte Mädchen von der gebürtigen Schwedin Julia Winterwho nach ihrer großen Rolle nor hatted any Fernsehauftritte. Weitere Filmrolen blieben jedoch aus.

AnnaSophia Robb War “Violetta Beauregarde”

The role of the passionate camp athlete Violetta Beauregarde with AnnaSophia Robb. Bereits im Alter von zehn Jahren stand for one day Werbeclip from McDonald’s for the room, after the fast food restaurant, this is the end. “Charlie and the Schokoladenfabrik” started with a great theatrical career, which continued with “Die Brücke nach Terabithia”. War films are shown, including “Soul Surfer”, “Die Jagd zum magicalen Berg” and “Lansky – Der Pate von Las Vegas”.

Nachdem Robb passed away in 2013 Hauptrolle in der “Sex and the City”-Jugendserie “The Carrie Diaries” very, it is a vermehrt in American Fernsehserien zu seen. In front of the Chamber are “Mercy Street”, “The Act” and “Dr. Death”.

Jordan Fry War “Mike Teavee”

The film teleports the brilliant Mike Teavee into his favorite movie: the Fernseher. Verkörpert wurde der Technikfreak von

Jordan Fry. There will be no native Schausplayers, but one of the careers as football players. After the release of “Charlie and the Schokoladenfabrik” appeared in film history and in 2007 a sprechrole in the animated film “Triff die Robinsons”. In “Gone” is played on the page of Amanda Seyfried. Danach is a Weile who is still the Schauspieler, who watches the film “Big Life” on the room stand.

Freddie Highmore War “Charlie Bucket”

The fun and golden ticket for the Wonka’s Schokoladenfabrik is safe for little Charlie Bucket, played by Freddie Highmore. When the British see the Schauspielering in the Wiege, they can see their filmpielering and the grumbling Schauspielering. This film has nothing to do with “Charlie and the Schokoladenfabrik”, but continues with “Zwei Brüder” and “Wenn Träume Fliegen Lernen”.

After Tim Burton’s film was released, he was Karriere with Streifen with the fortress “Arthur and the Minimoys” and “De Geheimnisse der Spiderwicks”. Später-play is one of the main roles in the series “Bates Motel”, before there is one also as Drehbuchautor and Director sweetened. As of 2017, Dr. Shaun Murphy stars in “The Good Doctor”. Darüber, Freddie Highmore is a speaking talent: he studies Spanish and Arabic and speaks French.