
‘Nachhaltiges Bauen – Materialien, die den…online

‘Nachhaltiges Bauen – Materialien, die den…online

Am Sonntag (29.09.2024) gab es “Nachhaltiges Bauen – Materialien, de Bausektor revolutionary könnten” on TV. If you would like to view the documentation in the media library, take a look at the digital version in the media library, read here.

If you are no longer able to send in the last three months, can you still see “Nachhaltiges Bauen – Materialien, the revolutionary construction method of the Bausektor” after your autumn? Werfen Sie doch mal een Blick in de 3sat-Mediathek. Find your TV broadcast after the Australian broadcast online as Video on Demand to stream. In the Rule you will find the transmission to the TV-Ausstrahlung in the Mediathek vor. Leader gilded that is not for all messages. A wiederholung on linear TV cables is on 3 days in the next Zeit-leider nicht geben.

“Nachhaltiges Bauen – Materialien, die den Bausektor revolutionieren könnten” on TV: Darum is in the documentation

“NZZ Format” is a pair, which is overinvested, which is best to be so logical and nachhalt that the trauma can be caused by the eigenheim. Dazu will kill the Couple during the night and make a Strohhaus ending. Aber: A house from Stroh – isn’t this even a problem? In a “NZZ format”, the construction and material choices of the Bauwirtschaft have become revolutionary. Der Unternehmer Bjørn Kierulf has implemented the first automatic Stroh-Module-Fabrik. Mit will bring EcoCocon to the mass market as a building material from the Nische. The fact that Hanf is no longer zum Kiffen is the South Tyrolean Werner Schönthaler. There is a production of Hanfsteine, which made a complete recycling bar not more than a year ago. A Kreislaufwirtschaft is one of Jasmin Amann. The architect of the building planning office is Bauteil-Jägerin – and sees the city as a real Rohstoffminen. The Construction and Gebäudewirtschaft has started with a UNO Message for 38 Prozent der weltweiten CO2-Emissions responsibile. It is not the case that most gas emissions form a gas, nor for their own use – in recovery and errichtung. If we know it is different: there is knowledge about the material, a climate neutral – or even CO2 negative – to build. So experience glazed materials from the Renaissance: Stroh, Lehm, Kalk and Hanf were never used again as alternative Baustoffe. The Kreislaufwirtschaft continues in the construction industry: Urban Mining is in trend. The city and the material are no longer Abfall, son of Ressource. (Quelle: 3sat, übermittelt durch FUNKE Programmzeitschrift)

All information about “Nachhaltiges Bauen – Materialien, die de Bausektor revolutionary könnten” on TV op een Blick

Theme: Documentation

Bee: 3Sat

Production shar: 2024

Long: 30 Minutes

In HD: Yes